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Author Topic: V10/11 of modified SETI MB CUDA + opt AP package for full multi-GPU+CPU use  (Read 242727 times)


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Thank you for the hard work guys.


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Is there a V10 for AMD 64.
Thank you

Offline Raistmer

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Is there a V10 for AMD 64.
Thank you
x86 SSE3_AMD variant.


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Run the 32bit for AMD 64 on a 64bit os? Sorry I forgot to add this.
Thank you

Offline k6xt

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I'm wondering what to do next. Before I energized the GPU application with Raistmers V9 my PC was running 4,000-4,200 average work done. Now, with the GPU, I'm running 3,800. Five WU are in progress at all times but it hasn't seemed to make a difference over the past 2 months.

Maybe I should just change to V10, see what happens. But that is usually poor troubleshooting. Can someone suggest diagnostics?

Thanks Art
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/result.php?resultid=1180991315 (CPU WU I think)
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/result.php?resultid=1180494106 (GPU WU I think)


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Did you ever build on for older SSE2 AMD CPUs + a GPU?
What config do you have? For what CPU you need SSE2 app ?

Opteron 170/270/280 AMD
Its motherboard has PCI-E slots?

Yes running a 9600XT on it now and standard seticuda under XP.

Offline Raistmer

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Did you ever build on for older SSE2 AMD CPUs + a GPU?
What config do you have? For what CPU you need SSE2 app ?

Opteron 170/270/280 AMD
Its motherboard has PCI-E slots?

Yes running a 9600XT on it now and standard seticuda under XP.

Ok, CPU-Z output (in html form or as text file) would be nice for this host.

Offline Raistmer

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I'm wondering what to do next. Before I energized the GPU application with Raistmers V9 my PC was running 4,000-4,200 average work done. Now, with the GPU, I'm running 3,800. Five WU are in progress at all times but it hasn't seemed to make a difference over the past 2 months.

Maybe I should just change to V10, see what happens. But that is usually poor troubleshooting. Can someone suggest diagnostics?

Thanks Art
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/result.php?resultid=1180991315 (CPU WU I think)
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/result.php?resultid=1180494106 (GPU WU I think)

Make screenshot of windows task manager and post it here.

Offline k6xt

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I'm wondering what to do next. Before I energized the GPU application with Raistmers V9 my PC was running 4,000-4,200 average work done. Now, with the GPU, I'm running 3,800. Five WU are in progress at all times but it hasn't seemed to make a difference over the past 2 months.

Maybe I should just change to V10, see what happens. But that is usually poor troubleshooting. Can someone suggest diagnostics?

Thanks Art
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/result.php?resultid=1180991315 (CPU WU I think)
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/result.php?resultid=1180494106 (GPU WU I think)

Make screenshot of windows task manager and post it here.

This is enough, right? You didn't need the entire TM window?

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 09 Mar 2009, 10:12:29 am by k6xt »

Offline k6xt

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I'm about to build another PC. The general plan is a Q9400, MSI P45 Neo3-FR mobo, Crucial Ballistix DDR2-800 memory (that I have in my junkbox from warranty replacement). I'm open to suggestion about these components and also a video card. I was thinking one of Nvidia 9000 series on CUDA list in the $100 range - their newer ones are too expensive. Be good if I can get 4,500-5,000 average out of it. What say you pro's?

« Last Edit: 09 Mar 2009, 10:24:34 am by k6xt »

Offline Raistmer

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This is enough, right? You didn't need the entire TM window?

Yes, thanks.
It seems all work as it should on this screenshot. Your RAC drop could be explaned by big pending credit perhaps....

ADDON: another possibility - you did run AP tasks before and switched off AP tsks now. In general opt AP gives better credit per hour than MB (it can be considered as small compensation for many AP troubles :) )
« Last Edit: 09 Mar 2009, 10:27:04 am by Raistmer »

Offline k6xt

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This is enough, right? You didn't need the entire TM window?

Yes, thanks.
It seems all work as it should on this screenshot. Your RAC drop could be explaned by big pending credit perhaps....

OK I'll check on that. There was that period when SETI wasn't sending WU a couple weeks ago. Could be I haven't fully got back up to speed. With the video added in (8500GT) I was expecting 4,500 or so. The 8500 appears to be running at about half the rate of a single CPU in the Q6600.
Thanks Art

Offline Raistmer

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My own Q9450 did ~4400 with MB tasks before CUDA start. Now it ~5200 with 9600GSO addition. But it still not stabilized (I expect it to be higher).

Offline k6xt

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ADDON: another possibility - you did run AP tasks before and switched off AP tsks now. In general opt AP gives better credit per hour than MB (it can be considered as small compensation for many AP troubles :) )

I don't have AP turned off on purpose that I know of. True, I don't see any running. Checking my SETI prefs I see another line item for AP V5 has been added in seti@home prefs since last I looked. Now enabled.
Thanks for the hint!

Offline Raistmer

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ADDON: another possibility - you did run AP tasks before and switched off AP tsks now. In general opt AP gives better credit per hour than MB (it can be considered as small compensation for many AP troubles :) )

I don't have AP turned off on purpose that I know of. True, I don't see any running. Checking my SETI prefs I see another line item for AP V5 has been added in seti@home prefs since last I looked. Now enabled.
Thanks for the hint!

But keep in mind that "team" combos intended for MB tasks mostly. With AP tasks in queue BOINC still can do dumb things leaving GPU idle.


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