Q: I clicked something in BOINC Manager, and now my tasks are in a funny order - how do I put them back to normal?
A: (Windows) You need to edit the registry.
Close BOINC Manager (you can leave the client running)
Run 'regedit', or whatever you usually use for registry hacking.
Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Space Sciences Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley\BOINC Manager\Tasks
Select Tasks in the left-hand pane - ignore the subkeys.
Select SortColumn in the right-hand pane.
Right-click and edit the value. Make it ffffffff
Close regedit (saves automatically, no save step needed), restart BM.
A: (Linux) The Manager settings are in a hidden file called ".BOINC Manager" in your home directory.
Close BOINC Manager (you can leave the client running)
Open the file for editing, using either of these naming conventions:
".BOINC Manager"
~/.BOINC\ Manager
Find a section like [Tasks]
(or whichever tab you want to un-sort)
Change the SortColumn to -1
Save your changes and restart BM.