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Author Topic: V10/11 of modified SETI MB CUDA + opt AP package for full multi-GPU+CPU use  (Read 242771 times)

Offline Raistmer

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Speaking of pending credit. I've stayed away from worrying about it  - but. I have pending credit going back >1,000 completed wu. I'm using a small network with 4 PCs and my brother crunches with another 4 PCs all on one seti  account. Is this backlog normal?

Check few of that pending tasks . If they have "initial" validation state - yes, all OK. But if many of them have checked but no consensus status... well, it's time to check your host stability and correctness then.


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i've tried to locate this file where you put 2 gpu's and i don't see it..
ok trying something little diffrent tried putting processes to 7 in the cc_config.xml  file  since i figured i had 1 idle process in last task manager ( 1 core not doing anything)

and here is what it is doing now.. all 6 cores busy with 1 extra process doing nuthing.. seems like this might work what u think raistmer??

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 10 Mar 2009, 03:07:13 pm by toomnymods »


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ok i will post a screen shot of what is in my c:/programfiles/Boinc file folder thier is nothing here i can edit...

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Raistmer

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i've tried to locate this file where you put 2 gpu's and i don't see it..
ok trying something little diffrent tried putting processes to 7 in the cc_config.xml  file  since i figured i had 1 idle process in last task manager ( 1 core not doing anything)

and here is what it is doing now.. all 6 cores busy with 1 extra process doing nuthing.. seems like this might work what u think raistmer??

I think it still runs SINGLE CUDA_MB app. But your little experiment just overloaded your CPU even more - it will decrease performance, not increase it.
Check your seti project forlder once more. Then check archive from that you performad V10 pack installation. And if you doesn't see that file even there - well, attach that archive, will look on it.

Offline Raistmer

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ok i will post a screen shot of what is in my c:/programfiles/Boinc file folder thier is nothing here i can edit...

OMG, and why BOINC folder? why not something else?
Where ALL files from V10 pack archive should go?


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do you see the file to mod in here?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Raistmer

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yes, I see it. number_of_....
And better try to use another view mode in explorer. It seems you can't see full file names.


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i see the one file named number_of_gpus_

and when i click to edit it it just has a number (1) written on the page and nothing else..

i changed the number to 2 then saved and still same results... is thier supposed to be something else written on that page or not?

Offline Raistmer

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i see the one file named number_of_gpus_

and when i click to edit it it just has a number (1) written on the page and nothing else..

i changed the number to 2 then saved and still same results... is thier supposed to be something else written on that page or not?
Restart BOINC after editing that file. And post new windows task manager screenshot.


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i'm at work right now for the next 5 hrs will do this soon as i get off of work.. was this in the right folder though?? it was placed in the folder that boinc/seti places all the work units..


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Everything seems to be fully running V10, for me. But my results seems to be getting worst. I dropped to 12,000 points from 22,000. And now got more computers up. I even added two more P4 3.2HT.
Thank you


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Heres my two GPU system. I get good completion, but bad overall results. Not enough work. Every 7 hours it stops and waits.
Thank you

[attachment deleted by admin]


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good news and bad news... lol

got both gpu's crunching now, but now have 6 instances of regualar work units being tasked.. i dunno what is going on..

what do you think?? cc_config.xml still says 6 processors should i maybe reduce it to 4 or 5 so i dont have 2 extra processes doing 0% work??

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Raistmer

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now all OK. Re-read description of how this mod work in first posts of this and other threads about "team" mod.

Offline k6xt

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Yesterday I reported running out of work. Still the same thing today. I have a dozen or so AP units in progress. But in BOINC manager Projects tab pressing SETI update returns a msg:

.....Requesting 0 seconds of work. ......

With no SETI WU in the queue that does not seem like the right choice :-( Anyone help me understand what is going on? The only recent change I made is on the SETI site to enable AP WU.

All 3 choices for work are enabled (SAH Preferences):
SAH Enhanced



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