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Author Topic: V10/11 of modified SETI MB CUDA + opt AP package for full multi-GPU+CPU use  (Read 242783 times)

Offline k6xt

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 But, my graphics card is now idle. Five AP WU are running, two at half speed.

Did I miss an update somewhere in these 15 pages of posts?

Q6600 processor

number_of_gpu = 1
V10 installed.

I found V10b executable update on page 6 of this thread, installed and restarted the service. There was no change...my GPU remains idle. What do I need to do?

[attachment deleted by admin]


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...My work directory was restored with reinstalling Boinc. But, my graphics card is now idle. Five AP WU are running, two at half speed.

Hi Art, good to know finally it worked. :) For the idle graphic card: this is usual as AP WUs will not be calculated using the graphic card. Do you have any setiathome enhanced WUs in your cache? Guess the right host is this one, with AP WUs only downloaded for any reason.

In case you have no setiathome enhanced WUs cached, please check in your preferences, if setiathome enhanced is enabled or not. Once there, check as well, if the graphic card is allowed to be used.

Your cc_config and number_of_gpu files are looking fine.


Offline k6xt

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...My work directory was restored with reinstalling Boinc. But, my graphics card is now idle. Five AP WU are running, two at half speed.

Hi Art, good to know finally it worked. :) For the idle graphic card: this is usual as AP WUs will not be calculated using the graphic card. Do you have any setiathome enhanced WUs in your cache? Guess the right host is this one, with AP WUs only downloaded for any reason.

In case you have no setiathome enhanced WUs cached, please check in your preferences, if setiathome enhanced is enabled or not. Once there, check as well, if the graphic card is allowed to be used.

Your cc_config and number_of_gpu files are looking fine.


All SETI work sources are checked and GPU enabled in prefs. But still no SETI WU downloaded.  Raistmer suggested it is because I have AP checked, that SETI would then prefer to download only AP WU. I also asked why only 4 or 5 AP WU in queue, when I have 10 days in preferences. Four or 5 WU in queue is only enough for a half day.

At any rate this PC has nothing but AP in SETI queue. It is good to know that I cannot expect GPU activity with only AP WU, so now I can go back to sleep :-)

Offline Claggy

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...My work directory was restored with reinstalling Boinc. But, my graphics card is now idle. Five AP WU are running, two at half speed.

Hi Art, good to know finally it worked. :) For the idle graphic card: this is usual as AP WUs will not be calculated using the graphic card. Do you have any setiathome enhanced WUs in your cache? Guess the right host is this one, with AP WUs only downloaded for any reason.

In case you have no setiathome enhanced WUs cached, please check in your preferences, if setiathome enhanced is enabled or not. Once there, check as well, if the graphic card is allowed to be used.

Your cc_config and number_of_gpu files are looking fine.


All SETI work sources are checked and GPU enabled in prefs. But still no SETI WU downloaded.  Raistmer suggested it is because I have AP checked, that SETI would then prefer to download only AP WU. I also asked why only 4 or 5 AP WU in queue, when I have 10 days in preferences. Four or 5 WU in queue is only enough for a half day.

At any rate this PC has nothing but AP in SETI queue. It is good to know that I cannot expect GPU activity with only AP WU, so now I can go back to sleep :-)

It has been mentioned on the Seti Boards that quite a few people are only getting Astropulse_v5, myself being one of them,
My Laptop not having any multibeam since sometime in February, to overcome it you could try deselecting astropulse and astropulse_v5 in your preferences,
and select 'If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other applications?' to yes,
It'll mean you'll ask for Multibeam work and if there's none, then you'll get Astropulse, and if you still get too much Astropulse,
then deselect it untill you do need it again.



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Inside the number of gpus file you have to put your gpu type also other then the number of gpus.
Thank you


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Just a Quick Question. In one of my system I have the GTX260 and 8800GT, boinc is seeing it as two 8800. Doest it matter.
3/13/2009 21:25:31||CUDA devices found
3/13/2009 21:25:31||Coprocessor: GeForce 8800 GT (2)
Thank you
« Last Edit: 13 Mar 2009, 09:34:04 pm by elec999 »

Offline k6xt

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Inside the number of gpus file you have to put your gpu type also other then the number of gpus.
Thank you
OK. My file only has the character 1 in it. How do I identify a NX8500? And, just today I received a NX9800GTX for a new PC. How do I identify that?

In other words, what text does the GPU file expect to see other than the number of GPU's?

Or looking at it another way, where's a help page on how to identify a GPU?

BOINC knows about the GPU.  I see it in Messages tab when BOINC starts up.

« Last Edit: 13 Mar 2009, 09:54:00 pm by k6xt »


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My number of GPU file just says 2 for 2 GPUs.
Thank you

Offline Raistmer

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Inside the number of gpus file you have to put your gpu type also other then the number of gpus.
Thank you
Did you forget question sign after end of sentence?
If yes - answer is no.
If it was your suggestion to other members - please, stop making incorrect assumptions about way pack is working. There should be NOTHING except single number.
It described in first post, plese, read already available info before start to invent something. This can lead only to more caches trashing...
« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2009, 06:02:09 am by Raistmer »

Offline k6xt

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Perhaps I just don't understand what is supposed to happen. I allowed AP and SETI WU in SETI preferences. I ask for 10 days of work in my cache.

Since then I have no SETI work at all, only AP. And I have only a maximum of 8 AP WU in cache, about one day of work (~12 hr/APWU). My GPU is continuously idle whereas before AP it was always at 100%.

What I expected to happen is some cores would do AP, some SETI, my GPU would be busy with SETI WU, and I'd maintain enough work for 10 days.

My operating conditions are as stated just 4 or 5 posts down:
Q6600 processor

number_of_gpu = 1
V10 installed.

From my perspective enabling AP is not a good thing. Not only have I taken a huge hit in RAC until if and when credit grants catch up but my GPU hasn't done a tick of work. It seems for many of my AP WU my wingman errors out, opts out before finishing, or is working with a P2-200 that can't possibly finish before the deadline. The RAC is nice at 1,250 per WU but not if its never credited.

I don't mind so much, waiting for credit grants to start flowing. But I do mind an idle GPU.

Is it accurate to say, if I want a hardworking GPU I need to disable AP?

Or, do I need an entry in app_info.xml or cc_config, that will permit CPU crunching of AP and SETI, and also SETI crunching on GPU - as the name of this discussion implies?

« Last Edit: 14 Mar 2009, 12:27:07 pm by k6xt »


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It described in first post, plese, read already available info before start to invent something. This can lead only to more caches trashing...

This is getting painful... At the beginning of this forums it is stated that those apps are for advanced users only.
And here are the questions that show disinterest at least to read the thread from the beginning. That's not "advanced". Trashing WU not fair to the other wingman and not for the science itself.

Offline Marius

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This is getting painful... At the beginning of this forums it is stated that those apps are for advanced users only.
And here are the questions that show disinterest at least to read the thread from the beginning. That's not "advanced". Trashing WU not fair to the other wingman and not for the science itself.

I dont understand you remark with "advanced" in combination with the recents messages here (could be my english), mayby you can explain a bit more? If its only the AP problem in combination with slow wingmans then just disable AP and delete the queued AP's.

Personally my credits went up from 2500 to a fantastic 5400 (cpu q6600@2400 + 9800gt running V10) so a little reading and experimenting wont hurt i guess.

Offline Crunch3r

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This is getting painful... At the beginning of this forums it is stated that those apps are for advanced users only.
And here are the questions that show disinterest at least to read the thread from the beginning. That's not "advanced". Trashing WU not fair to the other wingman and not for the science itself.

I dont understand you remark with "advanced" in combination with the recents messages here (could be my english), mayby you can explain a bit more? If its only the AP problem in combination with slow wingmans then just disable AP and delete the queued AP's.

Personally my credits went up from 2500 to a fantastic 5400 (cpu q6600@2400 + 9800gt running V10) so a little reading and experimenting wont hurt i guess.

What SoNic is refering to is that some don't know what they're doing/are to lazy to read the initial post and that's why this thread gets bloated with postings from people that got no clue.

'Advanced' users should be able to get it working without spaming this thread.

I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here.

Homer Simpson


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What SoNic is referring to is that some don't know what they're doing/are to lazy to read the initial post and that's why this thread gets bloated with postings from people that got no clue.

'Advanced' users should be able to get it working without spamming this thread.

Offline k6xt

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This is getting painful... At the beginning of this forums it is stated that those apps are for advanced users only.
And here are the questions that show disinterest at least to read the thread from the beginning. That's not "advanced". Trashing WU not fair to the other wingman and not for the science itself.

I dont understand you remark with "advanced" in combination with the recents messages here (could be my english), mayby you can explain a bit more? If its only the AP problem in combination with slow wingmans then just disable AP and delete the queued AP's.

Personally my credits went up from 2500 to a fantastic 5400 (cpu q6600@2400 + 9800gt running V10) so a little reading and experimenting wont hurt i guess.

What SoNic is refering to is that some don't know what they're doing/are to lazy to read the initial post and that's why this thread gets bloated with postings from people that got no clue.

'Advanced' users should be able to get it working without spaming this thread.



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