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Author Topic: Windows Installer 0.37 Release  (Read 21563 times)

Offline Jason G

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Windows Installer 0.37 Release
« on: 28 Aug 2010, 07:06:31 am »
Updated Unified Installers, v0.37 for Windows
In the Downloads section

For Windows 32 & 64 bit (Nt/XP/Vista/Win7, x86 & x64 versions), changes since last release (v0.36) are:

- Fermi compatible Cuda 3.0 build introduced.  Supports all Cuda enabled GPUs (theoretically)
           - Slightly lowered video RAM Usage.  Should run more happliy on integrated GPUs and  lower VRAM cards.
           - Minimum driver version 197.13+ (256+ series recommended, Current 258.96 WHQL driver highly reommended )
           - V12 builds (both VLARKill & noKill) are deprecated.
           - reduced susceptibility to '-12' errors over all prior releases (stock & opt).  They still occur, but fairly rarely.
           - Some mild Fermi optimisations applied.  The reliability and performance make this the currently recomended build for Fermi.
           - Some internal restructuring & testing of experimental code, applicable to future optimisation (All Cuda GPUs)

For Windows 98/ME:
- No changes. nVidia does not support Cuda on these operating systems, so no changes are applicable.  Installer revision remains at last release 0.36.

- As always USE at YOUR OWN RISK, and 'Your mileage may vary'
- A Cuda Installation will install application support for 6.08(cuda), 6.09(cuda23) , and 6.10(cuda_fermi) app_versions.  Which one Boinc actually chooses to mark yourr work doesn't matter, the tasks are all the same.  Unlike stock, this build is intended to run on a wide range of hardware, so all versions are the same.  This has consequences if your current tasks cache is marked with something other than any of the 3 stock standard version/plan_class labels, in that you would need to drain your cache first, to avoid losing work.

- Though not 'essential', <flops> app_info entries are highly 'recommended', but this installer doesn't put them in.  We haven't come up with a good way for the installer to do this automatically yet, but when we do you can be sure there'll be another installer update.

Known Issues:
 - Not Comaptible with Marius' Rescheduler 1.9.  It is recommended to either stop rescheduling (due to server changes) or use Fred's variant which allows prevention of '-177' errors.  Those errors are a feature of server side changes to the way task elapsed tiimes are estimated, rather than internal to the science application.  Fred's variant has some support to prevent these errors if they become a problem for you.

 - Todo (Keep this post bookmarked)
  - Will be added here as your questions arise, so please check back to see if your issues have been answered.
« Last Edit: 21 Jun 2011, 02:53:49 pm by Miep »


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