I looked to the task list of my GPU cruncher and found three strange outputs:
For sure, no reboot.
I don't think because of EDF.
3 day WU cache.
BOINC V6.6.37 , with nVIDIA_driver_190.38, CUDA_V12_app and CUDA_V2.3 .
Strange is, that nowhere is written that a restart was happened.
I have in the preferences 'write to disk every 60 sec.'.
IIRC with BOINC V6.6.x it's x4? So every 4 min. checkpoint?
Any ideas?
A restart before the first checkpoint is always a fresh start since there's no saved data to start from. Only the middle one of the three you linked has a BOINC run time which is more than 240 seconds plus the "Wall-clock time elapsed since last restart:", and it's only ~27 seconds longer than that.
All 3 were reported together, so my guess is that BOINC shut them down to do its benchmarks. If you look at the message logs they'll probably tell what happened more reliably.