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Author Topic: 301 redirect  (Read 12669 times)

Offline hiamps

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301 redirect
« on: 30 Dec 2008, 12:50:50 pm »
I was wondering if one of you coders would help me with something that I don't understand and is probably nothing to most. I am trying to put a 301 redirct into my .htaccess file to make swanscandles.com and www.swanscandles.com be the same site to google spiders. When I run an analysis on my site I get the following...
"Permanent Redirect Not Found

Search engines may think www.swanscandles.com and swanscandles.com are two different sites.You should set up a permanent redirect (technically called a "301 redirect") between these sites. Once you do that, you will get full search engine credit for your work on these sites."

Would someone please help me with the code to copy and paste into my .htaccess file PLEASE? I found this code but not sure if it is correct or what I need to change in it...

rewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^dexterityunlimited\.com$
rewriteRule ^.*$ http://www.dexterityunlimited.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R=permanent,L]

Thanks for looking....


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