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Author Topic: Lunatics Unified Installer for Windows v0.2  (Read 30486 times)


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Lunatics Unified Installer for Windows v0.2
« on: 16 Jul 2009, 06:03:11 pm »
Lunatics Unified Installer for Windows v0.2

This release is designed to install optimised Seti@Home applications on your Windows PC, that already has Boinc installed, is attached to, and is processing work for the Seti@Home project. 

[WARNING - drain cache first, recommend detach/reattach as effective release of tasks prior to installation] Added 30th November 2009

These installers are specifically designed to minimise the effort, confusion and difficulty sometimes encountered with installing Lunatics' third party optimised applications for Seti@Home, while not impeding further customisation & enhancements.

Choose From 3 editions, a short summary of features is below.  Please see the Readme/FAQ at our site for further information that will be progressively extended.

Common Features:
   - Astropulse_v505 5.05r168   in SSE or SSE3 variants.
   - Multibeam 6.03, AKv8b applications, SSE upwards  (Minor cosmetic updates over AKv8)
   - nVidia Cuda enabled Multibeam 6.08 V12 VLarKill  (Win32 & Win64 only, with supported nVidia GPUs only.)

Win32 edition features:
             - For 32 bit versions of Windows, from Windows 2000 upwards.
             - SSE or Higher CPUs
Win64 edition features:
             - For 64 Bit Windows Editions
             - SSE3 or Higher INTEL/AMD
             - Now includes a 32 bit build of Multibeam that proved faster on AMD cpus with SSE3 support
Win98me edition features:
             - For Windows 98, and Windows Millenium edition.
             - Installs Multibeam 6.03(CPU) and Astropulse applications
Special nVidia Cuda Multibeam (V12 VLARKill) Build Notes:
- Updated Cuda libraries to v2.2
- Requires nVidia display driver version 185.85(or higher)
- Requires 220MiB+ AVAILABLE video RAM.
- General improved performance with reduced startup time over V11
- A V12 build without VLARKill feature is available via our downloads page, FOR ADVANCED USERS that know exactly what they're getting themselves into.  Most Lunatics use and recommend the use of the evolving 'rebranding' tools to move tasks from GPU to CPU, and hope these tools, and application improvements with respect to the handling of 'very low angle range' tasks, will improve for inclusion in future installer releases.

Lastly, there are many people responsible in the development and testing of this new tool, but the vision & main development is owed to Jason G.  A special thanks for the continued dedication of Richard Haselgrove, Josef W. Segur, Raistmer and the Alpha Testing Team.
AND.....a big welcome and THANK YOU to the inaugural group of Lunatics member Beta Testers that pitched-in and helped to test multiple installation needs on a variety of platforms.  Their testing greatly expedited the trouble-shooting process that allows this release.

Lunatics welcomes your comments and suggestions as to current ease, difficulty, functionality, and suggested improvements for future versions.
Please feel free to post here on the boards or @ Seti Main Number Crunching board.


Lunatics Team
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2011, 05:36:07 am by Miep »


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