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Author Topic: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse_v5.05 5.05 r280 for Windows  (Read 28471 times)


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HYBRID ATI GPU/CPU Optimized AstroPulse_v505 5.05 for Windows OS (r280)

Two editions available now at Hybrid ATI GPU/CPU AstroPulse for Windows Public Downloads area

Hi Everyone,

A SETI@Home AstroPulse optimized application for Windows has been released for use w/ HYBRID ATI GPU and CPU hardware.

This build uses ATI GPU as coprocessor to perform some part of AstroPulse algorithm on GPU instead of CPU. This will free CPU for other tasks.

Here are individual links for all the initial release builds:

HYBRID ATI/CPU AstroPulse_v505 5.05 for Windows r280 Compatible Science App:
Intended for Intel & AMD CPUs with SSE3 capability & ATI Graphics Card, running Windows OS.

1 - Windows AstroPulse_v505, v5.05 SSE3(r280) (ATI GPU + INTEL/AMD)

HYBRID ATI/CPU AstroPulse_v505 5.05 for Windows r280_NO_DOUBLE Compatible Science App:
Intended for Intel & AMD CPUs with SSE3 capability & ATI Graphics Card, running Windows OS.

2 - Windows AstroPulse_v505, v5.05 SSE3_NO_DOUBLE(r280) (ATI GPU + INTEL/AMD)

Build source is located HERE

VERY IMPORTANT!!! Note that correct install of these applications requires ADVANCED SKILLS.[/color][/b]

A customized app_info.xml file WILL need to be properly created.  Done incorrectly, you may trash your work unit cache and or not be able to receive work.

For better use of hardware resources I recommend to use this app as addition to opt CPU SETI MB app (AKv8b) and to take participation into some other project that can make use of ATI GPUs like MilkyWay.
Currently it’s possible to run up to 2 app instances per GPU.
For a quad with 2 ATI GPUs installed it’s possible to run 4 SETI CPU MB + 4 SETI hybrid AP tasks at once.

Catalyst 9.x drivers required.
List of supported GPUs one can see here:

Please, take note that NO_DOUBLE modification should be used for GPUs w/o double precision support.

Approximate app_info.xml section that could be used to run this app on SETI project:

Code: [Select]

Please, edit <max/avg_ncpus> and <count> tags values as appropriate for your config.
This example taken from host that runs 4 SETI CPU MB + 2 SETI hybrid AP + 2 Milkyway ATI GPU opt app v20.
Corresponding <count> value for MW project is 0.48

- As mentioned above, You WILL need to edit or create an appropriate app_info.xml file if you run any combination of Astropulse, or Multi-beam applications.
- Ensure you choose a build that your CPU/OS will support.  Ask for help If you need assistance determining this.
- Ensure Boinc & seti@Home applications are already properly functioning on your machine, read carefully the documentation readmes and installation instructions.
Known issues:
- There is no support for CPUs below SSE3 capability
- Borderline OC'ers be aware that you may need to back off to maintain stability, the increased throughput of this application will stress all system components more. 
- As Always, use these apps AT YOUR OWN RISK.

And most Importantly of all:
Thanks to Raistmer  for introducing a new ATI GPU-compatible optimized application.

Special thanks go to Jason G and Josef W. Segur for app features, algorithm discussions and useful hints, alpha testers: Arnulf, arkayn, heinz and Urs Echternacht[/color] for early spot of some app issues and useful comments about app behaviour, Gipsel for sharing some MW design approaches about sharing GPU between apps and all beta testers who tried app usability on their hosts.

To all of you we value your input and would like to hear from you at Lunatics'

The Lunatics Team
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2011, 05:37:34 am by Miep »


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