Forum > Linux

Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?

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I wish it was that simple lolz.  ill search around on my next day off to try and work out what im missing but its obviously a bash issue in that case.

RPM is just a cpio archive.  The easiest way to unpack an RPM is to do the following:

--- Code: ---rpm2cpio name.rpm | cpio -i
--- End code ---

If that produces some errors like this:

--- Code: ---cpio: ./lib/modules/2.6.18/kernel/: No such file or directory
--- End code ---

Then create the directory it wants and then retry your rpm command

--- Code: ---mkdir ./lib/modules/2.6.18/kernel/
rpm2cpio name.rpm | cpio -i
--- End code ---

or just

--- Code: ---rpm2cpio name.rpm | cpio -i -d
--- End code ---
the -d creates any required directories  ;)

Due to work commitments and the Christmas new year period i don't expect to be able to look into this any further until the new year :( Ill accept any more help though.  i just feel Core 2 Duos need the optimization they are obviously able to use


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