Forum > Windows

Windows optimized apps to be released within a few days

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Hi everyone,


With the help of Pam Heinze, Mr A. Nonymous and Kerry Lawson, I have managed to raise all the funds necessary to buy a license for the necessary Windows development tools.

This means that there will be publicly released optimized apps available for everyone again. Linux, Windows, OS X - next up is FreeBSD, as the Intel tools should work there too (thanks Tetsuji!).


Yeah, good news.. compiling myself make me a headache :/ I got a couple of errors like error C2664 (VC 2005)

Jeeez... nice to hear it :)

Simon - Congrats!

After searching for ages for a compiled windows client for my AMD Athlon64 / Opteron machines, I gave up and started downloading the dev tools.  I have just finished getting all the intel trials plus Visual Studio .NET 2003 (msdn download), and was preparing myself to have a serious techie moment compiling your source (it's been a good 6 years since I was a Delphi developer)...  And now you announce the possibility of a public release...  ;o))))

If you work in london - let me know, a night of beer awaits you!  ;o)

Just one question....  when???  ;o))))

Seriously, thanks for all your amazing work and dedication!!!  It's people like you, Crunch3r and Tetsuji that make this project REALLY interesting and fun!

Cheers, Swissnic.

Joined SETI: 27 Nov 1999
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Heh, sounds like fun :)
I live in Salzburg, Austria, but RyanAir or the like is cheap and cheerful...

And, it's not a possibility, it's a certainty. Just a matter of taking the time to test stuff thoroughly before release. I just bought the licenses today.

T'won't be long!


Please realease it as soon as possible :) Some of us are waiting for it :)


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