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Windows optimized apps to be released within a few days

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Hm, not quite -

the docu I read said this: When you use the /QaxX options instead of the /QxX ones, you can use more than one optimization level. If you put more than one /QxX, only the highest supported level you enter (if you add P, it'll do SSE3) will be used.

So you can do /QaxKWNBP but not /QxKWNBP because it will use only P in the last example (or at least, that's how I read it).

The /QaxX options do make the binary slower, though. Next version I'll have a bit more time to test, maybe I'll even manage to make a super-binary that runs quickly everywhere. Doubt it though :)


I meant if you go into c/c++ -then- \optimization -then- scrool down there a section called 'intel specific'. In there theres an option to select "require intel processor extensions" (2 up from the parralelization you pointed out to me before) and, I'm probly missunderstanding this, it sugests that selecting for example; SSE2 then the app you've compiled will do a runtime test to check the cpu is compatable. :-\ Probly slow it down though.

I've probly misunderstood that and it actually means checks your machine can handle it before compiling it. I'd have tested it myself out of interest but both my machines go all the way upto SSE3

Anyway you've got enough on your plate to deal with already. No need for all that rubish i'm going on about. :P

Sorry, to clarify:

"Require Intel extensions" is /QxK  etc.
"Use Intel extensions" is /QaxK etc.

That's the two settings that are right below each other, and I'm thinking those are what you mean.

You can combine more than one "Use" setting by adding it to the command line of the compiler, but AFAIK you cannot use more than one "Require" setting.

I did not select them in the menu, instead I added the relevant call to the command line.


Yea that's that one I meant. Didn't mean to combine them though. Sorry about the confusion there, I worded those posts badly.

Hey There Simon,
                             Many thanks for all the hard work on the optimized apps.   You mentioned a while back about
freebsd versions.  Any news on that?  I have a couple of freebsd systems that would I would just love to throw an optized seti cruncher at.



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