=========================================================Ftst_v7_J34 started.Optimal function choices:-------------------------------------------------------- name timing error-------------------------------------------------------- v_BaseLineSmooth (no other) v_GetPowerSpectrum 0.000480 0.00000 test v_vGetPowerSpectrum 0.000301 0.00000 test v_vGetPowerSpectrum2 0.000327 0.00000 test v_vGetPowerSpectrumUnrolled 0.000314 0.00000 test v_vGetPowerSpectrumUnrolled2 0.000294 0.00000 test v_vGetPowerSpectrumUnrolled2 0.000294 0.00000 choice v_ChirpData 0.019478 0.00000 test fpu_ChirpData 0.025356 0.00000 test fpu_opt_ChirpData 0.015757 0.00000 test v_vChirpData_x86_64 0.079464 0.00000 test sse1_ChirpData_ak 0.011689 0.00000 test sse2_ChirpData_ak 0.011893 0.00000 test sse2_ChirpData_ak8 0.008098 0.00000 test sse3_ChirpData_ak 0.011029 0.00000 test sse2_ChirpData_ak8 0.008098 0.00000 choice v_Transpose 0.041660 0.00000 test v_Transpose2 0.025839 0.00000 test v_Transpose4 0.012987 0.00000 test v_Transpose8 0.020351 0.00000 test v_pfTranspose2 0.025092 0.00000 test v_pfTranspose4 0.012726 0.00000 test v_pfTranspose8 0.019991 0.00000 test v_vTranspose4 0.012808 0.00000 test v_vTranspose4np 0.013273 0.00000 test v_vTranspose4ntw 0.008225 0.00000 test v_vTranspose4x8ntw 0.008911 0.00000 test v_vTranspose4x16ntw 0.007548 0.00000 test v_vpfTranspose8x4ntw 0.008831 0.00000 test v_vTranspose4x16ntw 0.007548 0.00000 choice FPU opt folding 0.003467 0.00000 test AK SSE folding 0.001317 0.00000 test BH SSE folding 0.001285 0.00000 test BH SSE folding 0.001285 0.00000 choice Test duration 6.44 secondsFtst_v7 completed successfully.
@arkayn your posted stderr.txt says Ftst_v7_J34 and not J37Claggy
So does yours and everyone else, I am guessing that Joe forgot to change that number.
Did some reading about AVX and checked its output with this Test-file....
Pulse finding is another area which is more limited by processing speed than memory access, though, and it also accounts for a sizable fraction of run time.
... AFAIK no changes to the non-AVX code other than making sure this one identifies itself correctly ...
Ftst_v7_J39 started.