Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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The ambient temp is not room temp its some other card temperature.

Try speeding up the fans with whichever OC'ing program you prefer.

I'm getting a ton of comp errors on my cuda's so I decided to uninstall everything (boinc & unified installer).  After uninstall, I noticed I still had the \programData\BOINC\ folder, so I deleted that too.  I'm ready to try this again, and want to make sure I'm doing this right.

Running Vista Ultimate x64, e6700, 2x MSI GTX260's. 4gb RAM

- Nvidia driver 190.38 installed
- SLI disabled
- Downloaded & installed 2.3 Cuda Driver from for Vista x64
- Downloaded & installed BOINC 6.6.36 (all default options)

I'm running boinc currently on the default settings.  At this point to get up and running on the unified installer, I believe I have to perform the following correct?
1.  Download Lunatics_Win64v0.2_(SSE3+)_AP505r168_AKv8bx64_CudaV12.exe
2.  Install it  (I only want to run cuda units)
     -  Selecting only: Enable processing Multibeam tasks on nvidia cuda gpu (6.08) option
     -  Default destination folder
3.  Download the 2.3 Cuda DLL's from this site (cudart.dll & cufft.dll) and place them in the C:\ProgramData\BOINC\projects\ folder
4.  Restart BOINC and done?


--- Quote from: figment on 11 Aug 2009, 01:07:45 am ---I'm running boinc currently on the default settings.  At this point to get up and running on the unified installer, I believe I have to perform the following correct?
1.  Download Lunatics_Win64v0.2_(SSE3+)_AP505r168_AKv8bx64_CudaV12.exe
2.  Install it  (I only want to run cuda units)
     -  Selecting only: Enable processing Multibeam tasks on nvidia cuda gpu (6.08) option
     -  Default destination folder
3.  Download the 2.3 Cuda DLL's from this site (cudart.dll & cufft.dll) and place them in the C:\ProgramData\BOINC\projects\ folder
4.  Restart BOINC and done?

--- End quote ---
0. Make sure stock CUDA app running OK on your host, it's required step.
1. your 1.
2. your 2.
2a. check that boinc stopped.
3.your 3 (all downloads can be done before actually ;) , but DLLs should be replaced when BOINC is stopped)
4. start BOINC, not restart it (cause it should be stopped on prev stage).

I have to say "Thanks" again. The latest KWSN mods and Nvidia drivers have had quite the effect on my RAC which was on the order 13,500 a week ago. Now its 19,000 with (so far) constant slope. No sign of leveling yet. Where it stops, nobody knows!

Thanks for me too.
Last week I realized that I was using CUDA 2.2 on my 8800GTS SLI setup.
Now RAC went 60%+ and time for every DU dropped to 4 mins for the quick dus and 22 mins for the big ones.


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