Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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Nvidia driver 195.39 Beta has been released with Cuda 3.0 support, and Open Computing Language (OpenCL) 1.0 support.
just waiting for the Cuda 3.0 dll's to try.  ;D


Jason G:

--- Quote from: Claggy on 31 Oct 2009, 06:02:13 am ---... Cuda 3.0 dll's to try.  ;D
--- End quote ---

Could possibly be waiting 'till after GT300 release for those. Nothing in nVidia registered developer area for those so far.

Just tried the 195.39 drivers on the Frozen Nehi...........

Not good.   Drivers loaded fine and everything was OK on reboot.

But when I restarted Boinc and it started to crunch Seti, the Cuda tasks were taking up lots of CPU time and running slowly.
Usually, the Cuda tasks take a full core for 30 seconds or less, and then fall back to 1-3% CPU usage while they run.  With the new driver, I ran for just a few minutes, but there was never a fallback......high CPU usage continued, and I could tell from the Killawatt that the GTX295 was not drawing nearly the power it usually does when processing Cuda work.

Reinstalled 190.62 drivers and all is back to normal again.
This in on XP x64.

Anybody else wanna try and see if your results mirror mine?

It's O.K on my 9800GTX+ with Vista 64bit,
Laptop's 128Mb 8400M GS O.K on Collatz with Vista 32bit.


Might try it again tomorrow and let it run a bit longer to see if anything changes.
Otherwise I'll wait until Jason gets the actual 3.0 dll's and see if it responds any differently with them than with the 2.3's.


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