Hi @ all,
I´ve see it now two times ... Seti @ Home deliver workunit´s who are computing "forever".
The first time I saw this, I cancel the WU ... so far so good ...
But now I´ve got the second WU who had the same behavior

The WU "stands" ... no futher progress will be made, no matter how much time you will give it.
Only the original client could compute it, the first faulty WU finished only by original clients.
So I think, this must be a little bug in the optimized client ?!
BTW : You see no CPU usage when the WU stops ...
I´m using the optimized app version 5.15
From the first one, I don´t have any links remaining

But the second one is :
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/workunit.php?wuid=92236319If you want I could supply you with the WU and maybe traces of it.
Thanks for any help !

EDIT : WU attached ... it stops about 66 % / 67 %
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