the most important part is analyzeFuncs.cpp
I did my best for a liitle more structure in it for better reading and understanding
here are some short comments
// here all inline functions
// ============================================================================
// seti_britta: set inline functions direct before the main fkt
// hint: you find the other functions behind the closing brace of main fkt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// order to find used in:
// ------------------------ -----------------------------
// getMTFL do_generate_chirp_fft_pairs
// load_wisdom do_generate_fft_coeff
// save_wisdom do_generate_fft_coeff
// do_generate_chirp_fft_pairs
// notify_user seti_analyze
// do_generate_fft_coeff
// do_generate_chirp_fft_pairs
// do_chirping_data
// do_return_best_of_signals
// do_generate_fft_coeff seti_analyze
// do_generate_chirp_fft_pairs seti_analyze
// do_chirping_data seti_analyze
// do_transpose seti_analyze
// process_data seti_analyze
// do_analyse_pot seti_analyze
// do_return_best_of_signals seti_analyze
// stats_output do_generate_chirp_fft_pairs
// ============================================================================
all functions have now heads like this ----->// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: getMTFL
// Typ : int
// Inhalt : Find maximum FFT length for which transpose of PowerSpectrum
// is needed
// parameter: int maxFFTLen
// last update: by:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
and that is my actual main loop ---->// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: seti_analyze
// Typ : int
// Inhalt : seti_analyze
// The main analysis function. Args: state pointer to data, # of
// points, starting chirp/fftlen Must be called with unchirped data;
// this function modifies (chirps) the data in place swi parsed WU header
// parameter: ANALYSIS_STATE &state
// last update:18.06.2007 by:seti_britta
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Part 1 allocation and init
// Part 2 generate fft coefficients, save into wisdom
// Part 3 generate chirp/fft pairs, do different calcs in preparation analyze
// Part 4 loop through chirp/fft pairs - this is the top level analysis loop.
// Part 4.1 chirping data
// Part 4.2 do transpose if needed
// Part 4.3 process data
// Part 4.4 analyze power over time (POT), set checkpoint
// Part 5. return the "best of" signals and do the rest
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int seti_analyze( ANALYSIS_STATE &state )
// Part 1 allocation and init
bitfield = swi.analysis_cfg.analysis_fft_lengths;
DataIn = state.savedWUData;
NumDataPoints = state.npoints;
ChirpedData = NULL;
WorkData = NULL;
PowerSpectrum = NULL;
num_cfft = retval = 0;
MinChirpStep = 0.0;
last_chirp_ind = -1 << 20;
cputime0 = 0;
int have_transpose = false; // seti_britta: used in: do_transpose(); process_data();
d_log2 = log ( 2.0 );
#if defined( USE_IPP )
ippStaticInit(); // initialization of IPP library
#elif defined( USE_FFTWF )
// plan space for fftw
// fftwf_plan analysis_plans[MAX_NUM_FFTS]; //now out external
// fields need by the ooura fft logic
int *BitRevTab[MAX_NUM_FFTS];
float *CoeffTab[MAX_NUM_FFTS];
ChirpedData =;
PowerSpectrum = ( float * ) calloc_a(NumDataPoints, sizeof(float), MEM_ALIGN);
if (PowerSpectrum == NULL) SETIERROR(MALLOC_FAILED, "PowerSpectrum == NULL");
notify_user( "Choosing optimal functions" );
CacheChirpCalc = optimize_init(); // choose fastest function
// end Part 1 allocation and init
do_generate_fft_coeff();// Part 2 generate fft coefficients, save into wisdom
do_generate_chirp_fft_pairs(); // Part 3 generate chirp/fft pairs
// Part 4 loop through chirp/fft pairs - this is the top level analysis loop.
chirp_units = 0;
for ( icfft = state.icfft; icfft < num_cfft; icfft++ )// the big loop
do_chirping_data(); // Part 4.1 chirping data
if (fftlen <= MaxTransposeFftLen)
do_transpose(); // Part 4.2 do tanspose, use strips of 4
process_data(); // Part 4.3 process data
do_analyse_pot(); // Part 4.4 do analyze pot
}// end loop over chirp/fftlen paris
do_return_best_of_signals();// Part 5 return "best of" signals and do the rest
return retval; // finish seti_analyze
} // end of seti_analyze
// ============================================================================
// seti_britta: here after the closing brace of the main fkt are the functions
// you find it in the following order: used in:
// enough_ram not found
// v_BaseLineSmooth do_generate_chirp_fft_pairs
// GetPowerSpectrum_ptt not found
// PwrSpectrumOnly_ptt not found
// TransposeStrip_ptt not found
// v_subTranspose TransposeStrip_ptt
// TransposeStrip_ptt( orig_v_Transpose2 ) not found
// TransposeStrip_ptt( orig_v_Transpose4 ) not found
//hint: functions which are not found will be used in other sourcefiles.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hoping that helps
regards heinz