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Author Topic: Maybe now I can........rest. But not for awhile.  (Read 13191 times)


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Maybe now I can........rest. But not for awhile.
« on: 29 Oct 2010, 07:10:46 pm »
Guess it was bound to happen.......

I got news today than mine passed away.

Simple, sad phone call.....she would not say who she was. But she knew who I was. One of her sons, I am told, is 35 years old. I have to wonder. But will never know. The Lord will tell me some day.

But the girl I once loved has passed away.

Pined for her 35 years because she could not say
that she'd be mine 'till she went away.
I would have been hers until this sad day...
But the one I once loved has passed 'way today.

True love was hers to have each every fine day
but she was not quite ready, to have it my way.
So, she had to go, and I had to stay.
But this day I have learned, and the song has to say.
That the one that I once loved, she has done passed away.

Hank sang this stuff....never thought I'd see the day.
There are things you must say in this life
no matter which way.
Because if you don't, believe me, you'll say
The one that I once loved has now passed away.

Mary, forgive me, for what we did then.
We were just children, and didn't know then
the Good Lord would ask us, and we didn't know when
that you would have to leave me....wish he'd ask me again.

But now you have gone, His grace sure to find.
But that doesn't mean, dear, that you've left my mind.
It's just still the same here, now that you have gone.
But I know more than then, dear, that I'm all alone.

BTW, she never did marry.

Mary Ann Theresa Karen Hendricks.

For her.........
When I Close My Eyes....
It has been true every day of my life since we met.

So true.

I always loved you.


Maybe now I can rest.
« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2010, 07:16:16 pm by msattler »


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Re: Maybe now I can........rest. But not for awhile.
« Reply #1 on: 29 Oct 2010, 08:28:21 pm »
This might just be the final straw for the kittymah..........
Too much for too long.

It has to break some time..........
Doesn't it?

Done fighting wit things that just don't resist.
Done punching at things that don't meet my fist.
Done jousting at things that are not in the mix.
Done trying  to  right wrongs.....things I neve can fis.

Gone is my fight, my spirit and such.
So many have wondered why I jostled so much.
It's only that I care about the things that I chose.
Like Hand, II, and II, and the rest I suppose.

I have done all I can........now I leave to to fight
The good fisht, if you can, with all of your might.
I did.........will you now, in the name of Oscar.

I am done now.  At least until  tomorrow.

Lori just sadi f you becuse I told hher the trutth........

The second love of my life gone.........

This is gonna be hard........don't know how long I can buckle up without caving in.

Myabe I can just be a wiener.


Ever wpmder where that little kid on the dock came from?  Or why he wan'nt pussed  off.......

The background.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se3sESeVoDY&ob=av3n


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Re: Maybe now I can........rest. But not for awhile.
« Reply #2 on: 29 Oct 2010, 09:15:51 pm »
Troutout my day........you're easy to find........
Becasie. it's jsst you.....jour easy to find........
Because you're always there.....only whne I close my eyes.

:I tries to explain to her that the fact that I never got over mh first love did not diminish the love I have for her.......shed did not seem to understand.  So I  lost two ways.  Don't matter mjcn thes days, I guess.

Someo e's always there.......a;ways opn myu monmd/

Pissed up and off.......gpt tpw waus tp gp.......pme i[. amd pme pver/

Not sure whish to take right now.  Womnt
 be here to  listen to your response.

Wamt tp/////////bit cannot.

Las  post by the kkittyman......

And       One of the l;ast few by Jpjm Doffey...........
Before his heat attacl in 06......

I miss hime oo.  We, atyhe true and lvintg kinkd .....are very hard to kill........God mus have a real reasom to take us home.He must.


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