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Author Topic: why is cuda linux missing from download area?  (Read 14535 times)


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why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« on: 14 Feb 2010, 01:25:53 pm »
I found the setiathome-CUDA-6.08.X86_64.tar in the first post of the seti cuda thread.  Is there any reason why it is not in the download area?  The files are dated 1/18/2009 and I was woindering if that is still good for the latest and greatest ubuntu 9.1.  I have a GTS-250 which is not double preciision.  It seems to run fine for einstein and gpugriid cuda on 9.1 with 190.53 and 6.10.32

Are there any problems with this 1/18/2009 version?

thanks for looking.


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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb 2010, 05:50:59 am »
I was woindering if that is still good for the latest and greatest ubuntu 9.1.
Doesn't work.

I tested combination of Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit + CUDA SETI  and variants { NVIDIA 190.53 + CUDA libraries 2.3 } or { NVIDIA 185.18+ CUDA libs 2.2 } don't works for me. Yes, Einstein + 190.52 + 2.3 works.

I tried to test seti-cuda standalone and look into stderr.txt - there were many lines "Cuda error 'GaussFit_kernel' in file './cudaAcc_gaussfit.cu' in line 506 : invalid configuration argument." - ever stderr.txt size is greater than a megabytes. So, comparison of CUDA-crunched result to the CPU-crunched one showed no gaussians calculated for CUDA.

Offline sunu

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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #2 on: 15 Feb 2010, 09:10:58 am »
There is a bit newer seti cuda version at http://calbe.dw70.de/mb/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=116

Seti cuda doesn't work in 32bit, you'll need to convert your ubuntu to 64bit. In the link I've posted above for BeemerBiker, there is a 32bit client but is totally untested. I still advise you to go 64bit. If you also run astropulse, it is way faster in 64bit. For any problems post here in lunatics and we'll try to solve them.


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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #3 on: 15 Feb 2010, 02:04:54 pm »
Seti cuda doesn't work in 32bit, you'll need to convert your ubuntu to 64bit. In the link I've posted above for BeemerBiker, there is a 32bit client but is totally untested. I still advise you to go 64bit. If you also run astropulse, it is way faster in 64bit. For any problems post here in lunatics and we'll try to solve them.
I understood already. But how to do a conversion of working 32-bit Ubuntu into 64-bit version is still a mystery for me. By googling I saw only a suggestion for a clean reinstall. Is it a true? Gladly, I can do this because instead of md-raid1 (i can't push mdadm into glueless work, mirror always broken after artificially degraded raid-array due to physically disconnected one of two raid-harddrives) I'm using rsync everyday... Main question is: will this conversion help with enabling of CUDA-crunching with Crunch3r-made CUDA-app?

Offline sunu

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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #4 on: 15 Feb 2010, 03:43:33 pm »
Yes, a clean reinstall is the best option. Why do you need 32bit anyway? We're not in the '90s.  ;)

If you need to make a list of all installed packages, so you can reinstall them after the move, do:

dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > /home/...  (wherever you want to save it)

Then from synaptic you'll load this list and all packages will reinstall.


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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #5 on: 17 Feb 2010, 09:15:55 am »
A good and helpful answer but it doesn't answer the original question. Why is the Linux x86_64 CUDA client not available from the download area ?

Something I've wondered myself on the odd occasion.


Offline sunu

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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #6 on: 17 Feb 2010, 09:41:23 am »
A good and helpful answer but it doesn't answer the original question. Why is the Linux x86_64 CUDA client not available from the download area ?

Something I've wondered myself on the odd occasion.

I wonder myself too.

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #7 on: 17 Feb 2010, 11:11:21 am »
Because nobody has demonstrated themselves to be sufficiently community-minded to join this community, share coding ideas and techniques, develop a fully-fledged application, submit it for peer testing and tweak as necessary, supply documentation and source code, and stay around to help early adopters and maintain the apps as needed.

I think that's a reasonable (brief) summary of the sort of qualities that earn a place in the download area: people who just drop off hit-and-run applications en passant can make their own hosting arrangements.


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Re: why is cuda linux missing from download area?
« Reply #8 on: 17 Feb 2010, 02:45:42 pm »
Crunch3r ported and compiled the last MB linux aps as well as MB Cuda.
He was the "lead" developer of these, built them, and was far better prepared to deal w/ SW/HW compatibility and user support questions.
Linux (historically) has not been a very strong suit of familiarity and skills here, and realistically, Crunch3r has been the independent defacto Linux expert for quite a while.
However, Urs is bringing additional expertise and support in this area now.  ;) and our resident devs are becoming more familiar w/ Cuda and ATI programming.

Linux MB and x64 MB Cuda aps can be found at below links. 
EDIT: x32 MB Cuda ap is withdrawn due to unresolved bugs/issues. (Thanks for the heads-up Richard!)

Linux x64
Linux x32

The MB builds are in an announcement on page (2) of Lunatics home page.
They were also announced at NC in the Opt release thread.
« Last Edit: 18 Feb 2010, 01:16:20 am by Gecko_R7 »


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