Nope. Other apps were working. I have reinstalled system to FreeBSD 7.2 x86_64 and running 2.4_FreeBSD_SSE3.tar.tar but this 32 bit app gets error as well:
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Processor: 4 amd64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X33
60 @ 2.83GHz [] [sse sse2 sse3 mmx]
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Processor features:
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] OS: FreeBSD: 7.2-RELEASE
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Memory: -14356480 bytes physical, 0 bytes virtual
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Disk: 3.87 GB total, 1.94 GB free
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Local time is UTC +2 hours
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [SETI@home] URL:; Computer
ID: 5102116; location: home; project prefs: home
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 23-Feb-2
008 02:29:41)
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Computer location: home
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] General prefs: using separate prefs for home
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when active to -13.69M
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when idle to -13.69MB
10-Aug-2009 20:21:03 [---] Preferences limit disk usage to 1.47GB
10-Aug-2009 20:22:56 [SETI@home] Fetching scheduler list
charon# cat stdoutdae.txt | tail -20
10-Aug-2009 20:24:25 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10
10-Aug-2009 20:24:25 [SETI@home] Started download of 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.
10-Aug-2009 20:24:25 [SETI@home] Starting 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.254_1
10-Aug-2009 20:24:25 [SETI@home] Starting task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.254_1
using setiathome_enhanced version 521
10-Aug-2009 20:24:26 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10
.254_1 finished
10-Aug-2009 20:24:26 [SETI@home] Output file 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.254_1_0
for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.254_1 absent
10-Aug-2009 20:24:26 [SETI@home] Starting 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.251_1
10-Aug-2009 20:24:26 [SETI@home] Starting task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.251_1
using setiathome_enhanced version 521
10-Aug-2009 20:24:28 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10
10-Aug-2009 20:24:28 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10
.251_1 finished
10-Aug-2009 20:24:28 [SETI@home] Output file 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.251_1_0
for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.251_1 absent
10-Aug-2009 20:24:29 [SETI@home] Starting 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.180_1
10-Aug-2009 20:24:29 [SETI@home] Starting task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.180_1
using setiathome_enhanced version 521
10-Aug-2009 20:24:30 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10
10-Aug-2009 20:24:30 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10
.180_1 finished
10-Aug-2009 20:24:30 [SETI@home] Output file 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.180_1_0
for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.180_1 absent
10-Aug-2009 20:24:31 [SETI@home] Starting 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.186_1
10-Aug-2009 20:24:31 [SETI@home] Starting task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.186_1
using setiathome_enhanced version 521
10-Aug-2009 20:24:32 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10
.186_1 finished
10-Aug-2009 20:24:32 [SETI@home] Output file 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.186_1_0
for task 25au09ad.19295.17002.12.10.186_1 absent