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Author Topic: Boinc for Linux  (Read 5186 times)

Offline michael37

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Boinc for Linux
« on: 24 Oct 2007, 01:40:13 am »

I am looking for a quality version of Boinc that I can use on Linux.

My preferences:
1. Ability to run with glibc 2.2 libraries.  If it can run with 2.3, it's OK, but requiring 2.4 is a showstopper.
2a. 5.10 code base with ability to support separate settings for Connect to network about every  and Maintain enough work for an additional/Enforced by version 5.10+
2b. support for return_results_immediately (preferably in like 5 minutes to avoid latest boinc server bug with immediate reporting)
3. support for 64-bit version with user configurable name for amd64 and/or x86_64 (see Crunch3r's complaints on the subject).

Any help?


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