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Author Topic: Random musings  (Read 58471 times)

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #30 on: 25 Aug 2013, 10:56:11 pm »
All I could ask of you would be this.
Whatever you may think of me, please keep an open mind.
 I have been places and experienced more things than most of you could imagine.
These are not drunken boasts........as some would like to write them off as.
These are my life experiences.
What this silly old man you now know as the kittyman has been through, it's hard for me to relay at times.
I did not make this all up from scratch, how could I?????

What do you wish to ask me?

Did I sleep with Joan?  Yes, I really did.

Have I been to kpax?
Yes, I came from there.  It's not really a far stretch of the imagination to look at what I have said and done to realize that I have come a long way to be here.
Spacey really tried hard, but he didn't come from where I come from.

 None of the rest of you did, either.

How far?

About 2.8 billion light years.  None of you could ever live the trip.
Even flash frozen.

What is left is what I can share with you before I go.
It could be an hour, or a minute, or a day.
Just enjoy it while it lasts.
Your planet really has some wonderful history.
 Stories, movies, songs, actors and actresses.

Most planets do not have such things.

I suggest you cherish what you have for every moment you have it available to you.

Not many beings in the universe can say............

'There's no place like home'.

Offline Pizzadude

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #31 on: 26 Aug 2013, 02:14:10 pm »
Short poem dedicated to msattler and the kitties :-

I think that I am going mad,
I don't recall my name
I think I must be going mad,
I really feel insane
I really know I'm going mad,
hear voices in my brain
So maybe I am going mad,
but maybe the kitties are to blame !

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #32 on: 27 Aug 2013, 02:07:09 pm »
The kitties generally try to guide me towards my more sane side.

Still too hot to do a lot of crunching here.  90f and miserable humidity to work or crunch in. Looks like above normal temps until next week.


Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #33 on: 30 Aug 2013, 03:48:25 am »
Looks like the kitties took 3rd place worldwide in the WOW challenge.
Not bad for having a lot of rig downtime due to the heat wave here.
Should finally break in a few days, then I can get a bit more crunching in.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #34 on: 06 Sep 2013, 09:02:00 pm »
My father told me about life.
Tp;'d ,e about.......advice.

Je saod. son.
Advice is what a man gives another man when his head is up his downside and he has nowhere e;se tp ;ppl/
A man wiht nothing but advice has had either no ;ofe., no ezxperoemce. pr mp branis to base it on.

-A mani with advice cannot be trusted, becaiuse je jasm't hjived one iota of his advice.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #35 on: 06 Sep 2013, 10:05:05 pm »
There is no biddle ground.
You accept me for what I am,  or you so nor.
I desercve such.

Your choice.

It shall not be easy, if  the choice is to go away.

I can make it very hard.

Please do not choose option numb er 2.

Some of you know what I can do.
I have alluded to it in some movie scenes
It was NOT an illusion .

Nokia was a toy.

 I am done playing with toys/

Your choice.

I can play good kitty or bad kitty.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #36 on: 06 Sep 2013, 10:26:05 pm »
There3 are new ,mods./

TYhey have no a;;ogoem ce
Thjey have nosens3e oc honor.
They shall take me doewna.  no m,atter

I can take then down too/

It is not gonna be pretty..

As it was said in Tombstone.........

I'm comin'..........
And  hell's coming' with me/

Only tow ways out.
You take an early exit, or you stand by me.

Your choice.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #37 on: 06 Sep 2013, 10:37:55 pm »
They banned me again.
They really don't  have a clue.



iA few minurtwa noq..........

And you al2ayas 2on e343we

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #38 on: 10 Sep 2013, 01:38:35 pm »
You are safe for now........
Looks like most of the kitties' Skynet operations are down for the first half of this week due to a heat wave.
And me working 12 hour shifts on top of that.....yuk.  Not nice weather for man nor kitty nor crunchers.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #39 on: 22 Oct 2013, 05:18:42 am »
 A few minutes ago, the largest computational power on the Seti project on earth just shut down
Due to arrogance and my lack of subservience.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #40 on: 22 Oct 2013, 01:32:58 pm »
And on top of everything else, one of Lori's son's cats passed suddenly last night due to congestive heart failure and/or a blood clot.
She was at the apartment painting, and he just went limp.  The clot lodged in his spine, and paralyzed his back legs.
The vet said any hope of recovery was slim to none, so he was let go to the rainbow bridge.

Desi was a very fine kitty, and shall be missed.  His littermate sister Lucy does not understand he is gone yet.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #41 on: 22 Oct 2013, 05:12:24 pm »
And cats are the most wonderful of creatures.  I know this more every single day.  They are the most wonderful of God's creations, superior even to mankind.
They don't question, they don't judge.  Even when one is a most terrible human being, they still just look up at you with those tremendous eyes.  And love you.
Every night when I go to bed, they gather around, and just wish for a petting or two before I go to sleep.
And most often I wake with one or more of them purring and just so content to be able to place their paws upon my arm or face or neck.....

I am a very bad example of human behavior at times.  But I have learned much from cats.   If I could just try a little harder to exemplify what they have taught me, I might not be such a bad person.

I am 56yo, going on 57.  I have only known cats for the last 18 years of my life. That is a third of my lifetime to know a cat. A pretty big chunk of my life's real estate.
My eldest kitty companion Squirrel  is quietly preparing to leave me.   I can see that in her big wonderful eyes.
I shall be so much diminished when she has to travel on.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #42 on: 22 Oct 2013, 06:07:46 pm »
 I need help now.
I think I have made it to stage 1.
I admit I have a problem.
This makes me cry a lot.

Now, how do I get to stage 2?

I cannot do it by myself.

I am powerless at this point and I am asking for direction.
I now openly admit that.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #43 on: 22 Oct 2013, 06:09:25 pm »
Help me if you know the way, pl.ease.

Offline msattler

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Re: Random musings
« Reply #44 on: 22 Oct 2013, 06:18:30 pm »
I suspect that there are a few here that could offer some help.
Because I also suspect that many Seti addicts are OCD such as I am.
I need to change some things in my life quickly, before they kill me.
I as for your help.


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