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Author Topic: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?  (Read 15654 times)


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Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« on: 10 Dec 2006, 06:58:12 am »
Im currently running the optimised app for p4's.  Is anyone working on a Linux app for Core 2's? 
I may give it a try myself later but atm im not shure i could get it working on my computer cause its a bit of a mess due to a lot of drama with my 965 chipset and getting Linux working on it lol.
Scratch that ill give it a go when i have some time to mess around.....say the weekend.  Thats if no1 else has compiled one by then. 
If i do any hints on what i should use? SSE3 or is there something higher now? Also should i send the compiled version to someone so it can be included on this site?


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #1 on: 11 Dec 2006, 04:33:08 am »
Nope compiling wont work on my current install due to my messed up install.  Having dependency issues with the fact some of my stuff is from Kubuntu Edgy and the rest is from Kubuntu Dapper (which i run it on due to problems with Edgy).  Ill try and work out a fix on the weekend.


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #2 on: 13 Dec 2006, 04:58:42 am »
Ok i fixed my Linux install and im downloading the intel tools.
Any hints on what specific tags i should use to make a compile compatabile for Core 2 Duo's.  ill be compiling on a Core 2 Duo so i can do it im shure id just like a little hint or two on what differs between a core 2 and a p4 for making one.
My other question involves which source tarball to use. Is the 2.0 available for linux or should i work off version 1?


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #3 on: 13 Dec 2006, 11:13:55 am »
I've been having a go at this (I don't expect to get very far but thought I'd have a go)
1st problem I've found is that static libraries aren't included in the Intel eval version, so I'm getting lots of errors for any ippsmerge* libs or have I missed something and they are available??
Next thing is I don't understand what to do in seti_boinc_michael (the 1.41 core 2 source), there's no compile-seti-sse* files like in the v2 tarball and like clownius I've no idea what flags to try.


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #4 on: 15 Dec 2006, 03:13:43 am »
Works over for a week so im having a hack at it now i will report how i go.

Edit: No such luck i cant get the Intel compiler to install.  Any experts out there?  Actually anyone out there at all its awfully quiet in here.  If someones installed it before or solved a problem with it id love to know,  but running it again to post the errors seems like a waste when nobody hears my screams as it were seems like a waste of CPU cycles that could be crunching seti lol.

If anyones willing to try and help out please post and ill post the errors.
« Last Edit: 19 Dec 2006, 05:47:41 am by clownius »

Offline Simon

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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #5 on: 19 Dec 2006, 02:09:08 pm »
Hi Clownius,

did you take a look at the Linux Compilation How-To before you started out?

It has a workaround for some common installation problems for ICC and IPP (using alien to install RPMs...appropriate name, innit?).



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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #6 on: 19 Dec 2006, 04:00:02 pm »
If someones installed it before or solved a problem with it id love to know
I managed to install it ok on Fedora Core 6 but as I mentioned above, I'm missing the static ippsmerged libs so can't get it to compile any seti at the moment  ???

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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #7 on: 19 Dec 2006, 04:19:02 pm »

I'd advise you to manually unpack the RPMs and "maybe ;)" you will be able to find what you need? I can't be more specific, as it's probably not all that legal to do so. Caveat emptor, and all that :)

Alternatively, the best way would be to use the link from the Linux How-To that points at the non-commercial, free for personal use licenses. Those are slightly older versions, but they're 100% free and include all redistributables (i.e. headers and libraries).

« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2006, 05:25:55 pm by Simon »


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #8 on: 20 Dec 2006, 06:09:58 am »
Ok this is the error im getting atm

Code: [Select]
clownius@rawpower:~/intel/l_cc_c_9.1.042$ ./install.sh

Software packages installed as RPMs are available system-wide.
We recommend that you install the software using RPM.
This requires use of root privileges on your system.
To continue, we suggest you login as root or
use an account that can sudo root commands
How would you prefer to proceed? (root/sudo/ignore) [ignore]: sudo
Please provide a login that has sudo access to root privileges: clownius
[: 136: ==: unexpected operator
/home/clownius/intel/l_cc_c_9.1.042/./install.sh: 141: pushd: not found
/home/clownius/intel/l_cc_c_9.1.042/./install.sh: 152: ./secore: not found
/home/clownius/intel/l_cc_c_9.1.042/./install.sh: 159: popd: not found

I appear to be missing something any hints as to what and where i would find it?  This is on Kubuntu edgy 6.10.

Thanks for any further assistance :)

Oh last thought do i need to go through the folders i unpacked and install all the rpms manually? I know how to use alien but didnt see anything say i should delve into the new folder. I guessed the install script did it for me



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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #9 on: 20 Dec 2006, 06:48:55 am »
pushd and popd are bash builtin commands, install.sh is a bash script so it should've worked.
Only thing I can think is that Kubuntu has bash somewhere other than /bin or your user isn't running bash correctly.
You could try bash ./install.sh to force it to use bash
And, I logged in as root to run the install rather than use sudo, maybe thats got something to do with it.
« Last Edit: 20 Dec 2006, 07:00:52 am by ajs »


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #10 on: 21 Dec 2006, 04:45:53 am »
I wish it was that simple lolz.  ill search around on my next day off to try and work out what im missing but its obviously a bash issue in that case.

Offline michael37

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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #11 on: 21 Dec 2006, 01:13:56 pm »
RPM is just a cpio archive.  The easiest way to unpack an RPM is to do the following:

Code: [Select]
rpm2cpio name.rpm | cpio -i
If that produces some errors like this:

Code: [Select]
cpio: ./lib/modules/2.6.18/kernel/: No such file or directory
Then create the directory it wants and then retry your rpm command

Code: [Select]
mkdir ./lib/modules/2.6.18/kernel/
rpm2cpio name.rpm | cpio -i


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #12 on: 22 Dec 2006, 04:40:00 pm »
or just
Code: [Select]
rpm2cpio name.rpm | cpio -i -dthe -d creates any required directories  ;)
« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2006, 04:41:37 pm by ajs »


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Re: Linux app for Core 2 Duo's?
« Reply #13 on: 23 Dec 2006, 07:15:15 am »
Due to work commitments and the Christmas new year period i don't expect to be able to look into this any further until the new year :( Ill accept any more help though.  i just feel Core 2 Duos need the optimization they are obviously able to use


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