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Author Topic: What would be the most efficient setup for Seti on my computer?  (Read 13412 times)

Offline Arnulf

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I finally had the time to check out how Seti is doing on my main computer and it is running quite well.
On the other hand it is a few months since i last optimized it and updated the apps for Seti crunching, so I could use some input on what to do.

Would it be better to run optimized apps from this site or should I go for the standard setup from Seti@home?

My hardware:

Opteron 8150 at 4200MHz
16GB 1866 MHz RAM
AMD 7970 graphics card at 1100MHz/1650MHz

I noticed that I'm running an appinfo that might be out of date - it is attached if anyone would like a closer look.

Thanks for any help!


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