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Author Topic: newer than x32f ?  (Read 30456 times)

Offline Skywalker66_Bln

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newer than x32f ?
« on: 25 Feb 2011, 10:31:57 am »
When comes a never better version fpr fermi ???

 last: Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe
from installer 0.,37

i see on Vyper`s blog it gives any more beta`s

Can i help  ????
« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2011, 06:39:39 pm by Jason G »

Offline Jason G

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Re: newer Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe ?????
« Reply #1 on: 25 Feb 2011, 10:44:06 am »
Can i help  ????

Nope, Sorry.  The community was so utterly helpful in accelerating development that I managed to refine the entire first 60% of Multibeam Code 'out of branch', within the Powerspectrum Unit tests.   (in the timeframe of a couple of weeks)

As you can imagine, incorporating an entire rewrite of 60% of the Cuda application from those developments  is still going to take me some time to accommodate, and I'm fairly thinly spread at the moment.    It will take some time & dedication to incorporate properly.

Plan A is to let the Ati stuff catch up a bit first, so we can have some pressure on us before optimising the pulsefinding code, that is the real challenge (remaining ~40%).  Plan B, should the Ati stuff catch us earlier than expected, is under my hat  :-X


[PS:] Plan C is that nVidia ships me a truckload of money, much of which would be donated to SaH, so we can stay in front of these AMD  clowns.  This Plan Is GOOOD  IMO, and would preempt plans A & B
« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2011, 11:19:14 am by Jason G »

Offline perryjay

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Re: newer Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe ?????
« Reply #2 on: 25 Feb 2011, 04:53:44 pm »
You mean it takes more than 5 minutes to throw it together and send it out the door?  As to the ATI guys, they are already nipping at our heels. Hmmm, wonder where I can find a truckload of three dollar bills I can pick up cheap?  Oh wait, you want real maney!! Oh well!   ;D

Offline Jason G

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #3 on: 25 Feb 2011, 06:37:38 pm »
You mean it takes more than 5 minutes to throw it together and send it out the door?  As to the ATI guys, they are already nipping at our heels. Hmmm, wonder where I can find a truckload of three dollar bills I can pick up cheap?  Oh wait, you want real maney!! Oh well!   ;D

LoL, yep, that pretty much explains it  ;)  Watch the top hosts pages while we struggle to get an installer update with the OpenCL apps going (that happens to be highest on my own priority list at this moment)... You could see some Radeon only hosts get intp the top 100, then it'd be time to Panic  ;D

[Mod:] editing thread title, by request, due to page stretching.
« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2011, 06:44:43 pm by Jason G »

Offline Claggy

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #4 on: 25 Feb 2011, 06:45:07 pm »
You mean it takes more than 5 minutes to throw it together and send it out the door?  As to the ATI guys, they are already nipping at our heels. Hmmm, wonder where I can find a truckload of three dollar bills I can pick up cheap?  Oh wait, you want real maney!! Oh well!   ;D

LoL, yep, that pretty much explains it  ;)  Watch the top hosts pages while we struggle to get an installer update with the OpenCL apps going (that happens to be highest on my own priority list at this moment)... You could see some Radeon only hosts get intp the top 100, then it'd be time to Panic  ;D

[Mod:] editing thread title, by request, due to page stretching.
Thanks, i was about to do the same,

Edit: Cthulhu is already at 77 with his Radeon only host!

« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2011, 06:58:57 pm by Claggy »

Offline Jason G

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #5 on: 25 Feb 2011, 07:04:42 pm »
Edit: Cthulhu is already at 77 with his Radeon only host!

Oh No! PANIC! can't have that for too long  :P

Offline arkayn

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #6 on: 26 Feb 2011, 01:13:10 am »
With the server problems and working on Aqua and Collatz, I slipped down to 483.

I was as high as 380 or so at one time.

Offline Jason G

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #7 on: 26 Feb 2011, 02:16:30 am »
More seriously I'd like to see a lot more Ati Cards getting up there soon.  Not only would it place more development challenge on the table (always a bonus), but the bang for buck, in terms of both initial purchase & running costs, represented by the newer AMD cards looks pretty good IMO.  It should begin to put at least some small amount of downward price pressure on nVidia products, as the OpenCL tools mature, and pressure for higher performance too.

I happen to prefer both the nVidia hardware & Cuda development tools etc, over OpenCL, mostly due to the level of maturity overall, and nVidia having had the wherewithall to front up the initial application development as a head start.   As the OpenCL apps get more polished, the Cuda app will be entering its second generation, and We'll be expecting to push development into SaH V7.  A mature OpenCL platform IMO can only help everyone involved.


Offline arkayn

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #8 on: 26 Feb 2011, 03:44:14 am »
My only problem with the OpenCL app right now is the skewing of the DCF I was seeing on my ATI machine. It might have been a combination of factors of using the rescheduler on all those vlars that were going -177.

Right now my machine has 435 units on board and it things it will take almost 135 days to complete them. DCF was at 0.7 last I checked. Currently on NNT.

Offline Helli

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Re: newer Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe ?????
« Reply #9 on: 28 Feb 2011, 11:00:58 am »
Can i help  ????

Nope, Sorry.  The community was so utterly helpful in accelerating development that I managed to refine the entire first 60% of Multibeam Code 'out of branch', within the Powerspectrum Unit tests.   (in the timeframe of a couple of weeks)

As you can imagine, incorporating an entire rewrite of 60% of the Cuda application from those developments  is still going to take me some time to accommodate, and I'm fairly thinly spread at the moment.    It will take some time & dedication to incorporate properly.

Plan A is to let the Ati stuff catch up a bit first, so we can have some pressure on us before optimising the pulsefinding code, that is the real challenge (remaining ~40%).  Plan B, should the Ati stuff catch us earlier than expected, is under my hat  :-X


[PS:] Plan C is that nVidia ships me a truckload of money, much of which would be donated to SaH, so we can stay in front of these AMD  clowns.  This Plan Is GOOOD  IMO, and would preempt plans A & B

Uhm, sounds not promising and like a neverending Story to me. Well, i will keep my GTX465/GTS450 and maybe
GTX590 until - 2013 to test this Cuda Client.  ;)


Offline Jason G

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Re: newer Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe ?????
« Reply #10 on: 28 Feb 2011, 11:27:52 am »
Uhm, sounds not promising and like a neverending Story to me. Well, i will keep my GTX465/GTS450 and maybe
GTX590 until - 2013 to test this Cuda Client.  ;)

It's smart arsed comments like that that make we wonder why I bother, and feel less motivated to get the application rewritten.  Those users that kindly contributed to the PowerSpectrum Unit tests thread have some inkling of what's coming, and how much work is involved. [Self moderated comment].  I don't recall your participation in that development.
« Last Edit: 28 Feb 2011, 11:42:04 am by Jason G »

Offline Helli

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #11 on: 28 Feb 2011, 11:59:04 am »
Well, i have made my part of supporting the development of a optimized Fermi Client. Remember? June 2010? GTX480?

Maybe it's the lack of information we get of the current status of the development that made me sarcastic.

Not everybody reads every day here at Lunatics. I for myself been mostly in Number Crunching at Seti.


Offline Jason G

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #12 on: 28 Feb 2011, 12:05:33 pm »
Well, i have made my part of supporting the development of a optimized Fermi Client. Remember? June 2010? GTX480?

Maybe it's the lack of information we get of the current status of the development that made me sarcastic.

Not everybody reads every day here at Lunatics. I for myself been mostly in Number Crunching at Seti.


Right, so you contributed toward the Fermi Card ? By all means contact SciManSteve and I will arrange for return of your funds, and any others that wish it should do the same.

Putting up with people coming here behaving like arseholes was not part of any promise I made.

Offline Helli

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Re: newer than x32f ?
« Reply #13 on: 28 Feb 2011, 12:08:26 pm »
Well, i have made my part of supporting the development of a optimized Fermi Client. Remember? June 2010? GTX480?

Maybe it's the lack of information we get of the current status of the development that made me sarcastic.

Not everybody reads every day here at Lunatics. I for myself been mostly in Number Crunching at Seti.


Right, so you contributed toward the Fermi Card ? By all means contact SciManSteve and I will arrange for return of your funds, and any others that wish it should do the same.

Putting up with people coming here behaving like arseholes was not part of any promise I made.

Uhm...i forgot. You are a Moderator here. Better i say nothing more - here.


Offline Miep

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Re: newer Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe ?????
« Reply #14 on: 28 Feb 2011, 12:09:08 pm »
Uhm, sounds not promising and like a neverending Story to me. Well, i will keep my GTX465/GTS450 and maybe
GTX590 until - 2013 to test this Cuda Client.  ;)

It's smart arsed comments like that that make we wonder why I bother, and feel less motivated to get the application rewritten.  Those users that kindly contributed to the PowerSpectrum Unit tests thread have some inkling of what's coming, and how much work is involved. [Self moderated comment].  I don't recall your participation in that development.

Ouch. It must be one of those days...

Guys, can we at least get 'lost in translation' out of the way? Do I have to set up a translation service?!

Helli - ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, Du hast das nicht so verletzend gemeint, wie das auf Englisch ruebergekommen ist.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions


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