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Author Topic: Optimize BOINC/ SETI@home  (Read 18075 times)

Sutaru Tsureku

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Optimize BOINC/ SETI@home
« on: 14 Jan 2009, 10:42:32 pm »

Since a short time you can let run SETI@home (Enhanced) on CPU or GPU.
(Nothing new for the most of us.. ;))

But the problem is, it's not possible to let run Enhanced and Astropulse on CPU and Enhanced (and in future maybe Astropulse also) on GPU simultaneously.  :(

So BOINC and/or SETI@home need more programmer/coder.
(Of  course the opt.-crew made a well job to now! But more members would help to accelerate the development..)

I made a thread in my team-forum..
So I thought, to give my teammates (and of course for other people also! :)) a place to meet and discuss it would be nice to have here one thread about this topic.
(This one..?!)

If here is a place (thread) already open.. for to extend/optimize BOINC and SETI@home, please post here the place where to find.. :)

Thank you! :)
« Last Edit: 14 Jan 2009, 11:11:42 pm by Sutaru Tsureku »

Sutaru Tsureku

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Re: Optimize BOINC/ SETI@home
« Reply #1 on: 15 Jan 2009, 05:27:15 am »
Maybe someone from the opt.-crew could say how the current status is?

In which area you need support?

In the case of extend/modify BOINC, it's here maybe not the right place to post?

Because of BOINC maybe there?

Maybe you think, hmm.. why he post about this topic?
Raistmer said in the SETI@home-forum, that the opt.-crew have not enough people.

If the people come here only to get the opt.-apps.. and they cannot read about, that the opt.-crew need help.. nobody can know it..  ;)
« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2009, 05:35:07 am by Sutaru Tsureku »


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Re: Optimize BOINC/ SETI@home
« Reply #2 on: 20 Apr 2010, 01:11:30 am »
Maybe someone from the opt.-crew could say how the current status is?

In which area you need support?

In the case of extend/modify BOINC, it's here maybe not the right place to post?

Because of BOINC maybe there?

Maybe you think, hmm.. why he post about this topic?
Raistmer said in the SETI@home-forum, that the opt.-crew have not enough people.

If the people come here only to get the opt.-apps.. and they cannot read about, that the opt.-crew need help.. nobody can know it..  ;)
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Writing in his blog, programming expert  Agner Fog said that it appears that Chipzilla's compiler can produce different versions of pieces of code, with each version being optimised for a specific processor and/or instruction set. The system detects which CPU it's running on and chooses the optimal code path accordingly.
But it also checks what instruction sets are supported by the CPU and it also checks the vendor ID string. If the string says 'GenuineIntel' then it uses the optimal code path. If the CPU is not from Intel then, in most cases, it will use the slowest version of the code it can find.


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