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Author Topic: Any webcam experts?  (Read 14813 times)

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Any webcam experts?
« on: 30 Sep 2006, 02:50:59 am »
I hope it is OK to post this here...figure maybe someone here may be able to help. I have 3 dlink webcams in my store and have them on the internet at http://www.swanscandles.com/new.htm . I was able to make the DCS-5300W work with a java applet but have not been able to figure out how to make the DCS-6620 and DCS-6620G work in an applet. Some people have a problem downloading the Active X and having to use a username and password. Does anyone know why the java I use for my 5300 won't work for the others? DLink is no help and the code they have on their site for the 5300 didn't work I found another webcam and copied thier code...Haven't found anyone with the 6620"s that just come up when you click on the page...Once again sorry if this shouldn't be posted here...


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