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Author Topic: Email Address Change Problems  (Read 11805 times)

Offline Purple Rabbit

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Email Address Change Problems
« on: 12 Jul 2009, 06:37:44 pm »
Whee, what an adventure. I thought that I'd change my email address to something that I could offer publicly.  This was not to be...sigh. All my changes to a @comcast.net address failed to elicit (or at least receive) the expected response from the site for verification. Even changing back to the email that I had previously on Comcast didn't work (invalid email address proclaimed this web site)...sigh. I apologize to the webmaster (is there one, there's no link) if my multiple requests clogged the queue.

I suspect that I need to blame my ISP, Comcast. They've blocked email senders before with no explainable reason (from them, I've asked). I now have my account "restored"using my spam-ridden icqmail account. At least I'm back where I was as a "Knight-of-the-Realm". I'd really hate to lose that exulted title  :)

I certainly won't try this again  ;D



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