Hi there,
One of the machine I'm running BOINC on, with the optimized binaries I download from lunatics, is a P4 2.8GHz, HT-capable CPU.
It's running the following kernel:
Linux <name> 2.6.26-1-686 #1 SMP Sat Jan 10 18:29:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux.
BOINC recognized the 2 virtual CPUs and runs two instances of SetiMB/AP at the same time.
When benchmarking, BOINC reports:
13-Mar-2009 22:21:57 [---] Running CPU benchmarks
13-Mar-2009 22:21:58 [---] Suspending computation - running CPU benchmarks
13-Mar-2009 22:22:30 [---] Benchmark results:
13-Mar-2009 22:22:30 [---] Number of CPUs: 2
13-Mar-2009 22:22:30 [---] 683 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
13-Mar-2009 22:22:30 [---] 1140 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
13-Mar-2009 22:22:31 [---] Resuming computation
Anyway, my question is: since a P4-HT only provides basic HyperThreading capability, what would be faster: running 1 SetiMB/AP process at the same time (and not incurring the overhead of the HT-ing), or do I indeed get the highest RAC when running 2 at the same time?
Regards, Patrick.