Thank you very much, all of the team, for your continued efforts! As I'm more interested in the linux versions, especially 64bit, are we going to see new versions for linux also?
Moreover is there going to be a Core 2 optimized version as there was for 2.2?
Ok, thank a lot!Take your time with the linux soup. We want it well cooked and tasty.
In addition to that i'm planing a GFX release for linux too. Besides that there will be no more difference between Kernel versions like in previous relases (32 bit).
2.4V for linux 32/64 bit contains 5.15 versioned executables. Some glitch with naming ?
However, the optimizations you'll see in the S@H stock application for both linux and windows are ALL based on 2.2B source code( wich is, again based on a very old 5.15 stock s@h app.)