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Author Topic: strange app_info with Linux 2.4 apps  (Read 5577 times)


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strange app_info with Linux 2.4 apps
« on: 11 Aug 2007, 03:48:54 pm »
I already posted this here but this seems to be the better place...

I just downloaded the new linux apps.

It seems a little strange to me that the app_info shows a version_num 5.21 and has not the 'structure' like the old one (every new line starts without tabs or spaces). The app itself has a 5.15 in it's name - my current one form berkeley 5.27.

I just want to make sure this is all right an I can use them...


Just gave it a try. Added a 527 entry to the app_info and made it look like the old one.
Well, it' running...


...and I get credits for the results!   :) :D ;D

I doubt the current app_info will do... (correct me if I'm wrong!)

Maybe someone can repack the archives with a better app_info and upload them...


here's the one:

Code: [Select]

here's mine:

Code: [Select]

any comments??



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Re: strange app_info with Linux 2.4 apps
« Reply #1 on: 15 Aug 2007, 01:17:23 pm »
The last line should read </app_info> imho.



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