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Optimized Seti@Home apps => Windows => Topic started by: Raistmer on 31 Jan 2008, 02:33:24 pm

Title: Anyone using CodeAnalyst with SETI app?
Post by: Raistmer on 31 Jan 2008, 02:33:24 pm
I tried to run pipeline simulation with SETI app but some exception occurs at loading time preventing to collect execution trace. The worst is the log windo fot trace collector module closing immediately after error so it's not possible to read where and what going wrong.  Anyone tried CodeAnalyst? Any comments? (I run profiling for AMD 64 Venice so vTune probably not an option).
(Time based and event based profiling sessions run just fine).
Title: Re: Anyone using CodeAnalyst with SETI app?
Post by: Jason G on 31 Jan 2008, 06:28:28 pm
I had a similar issue instrumenting for VTune.  I think for VTune the full instrumentation was attempting to instrument some kernel or C Runtime functions it shouldn't have been.  For VTune, and I don't know if this is possible on CodeAnalyst, the solution was to do custom instrumentation and deselect all functions beginning with an _underscore.

Title: Re: Anyone using CodeAnalyst with SETI app?
Post by: Raistmer on 01 Feb 2008, 01:12:43 pm
CodeAnalyst doesn't require any instrumentation but requires pdb-file with symbol names. If it's possible to exclude from debug info range of functions maybe it could be possible to check if this helps :) Probably it's possible to generate debug info only for modules under interest (actually only opt_sse2's functions needed).. will try to rebuild, thanx for idea :)