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Optimized Seti@Home apps => Windows => Topic started by: emmdeb on 20 Dec 2007, 08:59:42 am

Title: XP Service Pack 3 RC
Post by: emmdeb on 20 Dec 2007, 08:59:42 am

Have you download it ? What are yours first impressum?

Any change related to Boinc and in particuler Optimized Seti Apps?

Please give me your feed back, I will make trials too.

Good Crunch

France Initiativ
Title: Re: XP Service Pack 3 RC
Post by: Gecko_R7 on 20 Dec 2007, 11:43:46 am

Have you download it ? What are yours first impressum?

Any change related to Boinc and in particuler Optimized Seti Apps?

Please give me your feed back, I will make trials too.

Good Crunch

France Initiativ

Hi Emmdeb,

I have not tried XP SP3, but my understanding is that it is mostly the cumulation of security updates and a handful of others since SP2.  The scope of change is not as nearly comprehensive as from the initial release pack to SP2.

OS overhead is rather small nowadays.  You shouldn't notice any real difference in crunching performance between SP2 and SP3, but since I haven't tried it yet, I won't say this is a 100% guarantee.  If you discover anything different, please let us know.  :)

EDIT:  As a follow-up, you may want to see this new thread on main

There are some recent patches and also potential network changes w/ SP3 that may play some havoc w/ BOINC.  :o
Might be a good idea to watch and see what others experience as well as "fixes" before diving in early.  ;)

Good Luck!