Seti@Home optimized science apps and information

Optimized Seti@Home apps => Windows => Topic started by: tweety on 21 Aug 2007, 02:59:34 am

Title: State file error: result is in wrong state
Post by: tweety on 21 Aug 2007, 02:59:34 am
Hi folks!

I´m really impressed of by your work but I´m facing a severe problem. Every (approx.) third time I turn on my laptop the following message appears in my boinc manager:

SETI@home|[error] State file error: result 13fe07aa.25866.11115.12.5.245_0 is in wrong state  (depending on the actual wu of course)

All workunits on my computer stop immediately. The result of all these WU is "client error".

This problem has started since I´m using the optimized seti@home version SSE3-Intel Core 2. That why I´m posting my request in this forum. I do not want to change to the original version because I´m a great fan of your optimization project.

Please help me!

Here you can read further information about my PC and my OS:

If you need more information, please post in this thread.

Title: Re: State file error: result is in wrong state
Post by: sunu on 21 Aug 2007, 06:33:13 am
I see that you are using the 32 bit version with Windows Vista. There are problems with this combination.

Check this thread for more info

If you have the 64 bit version of Vista, use the 64 bit version of Chicken. There are no problems with these.

Else use  the 32 bit  2.2 version or the official one till new compilations of optimized apps come out.
Title: Re: State file error: result is in wrong state
Post by: tweety on 22 Aug 2007, 02:34:46 am

Thx for the quick answer. I´ve changed to the mentioned 2.2 version, but the problem is still the same.... :-\

I also believe that this problem is caused by Windows Vista....

Do you know an other possibility (except changing back to the original version)?

greetz, tweety
Title: Re: State file error: result is in wrong state
Post by: sunu on 22 Aug 2007, 06:22:03 am
After your change to 2.2, woarkunits already in your system were errored out because of that Change. Newly downloaded workunits shouldn't have this problem.

But just to be safe, I think you should revert back to the official client till new versions for 32 bit Vista are out..