Seti@Home optimized science apps and information

Optimized Seti@Home apps => Windows => Topic started by: JoeBKY06 on 19 Aug 2007, 11:50:50 pm

Title: What Ver of App should show in BONIC Mgr?
Post by: JoeBKY06 on 19 Aug 2007, 11:50:50 pm
    I downloaded and copied the"files to be installed" in the"/ BONIC/Project/ folder as directed. Quit BONIC and restarted it. I see in MSG's where "New App Found......" But BONIC MGR showing "SETI OPTIMIZED, VER 5.17" ?   I thought it should be showing "The current Berkeley stock app ver is 5.27  or The current code rev is 2.4"  I am using VISTA Home Premium OS.
    Am I missing something or did I forget to do somethiong?   On my P4 Box w/ XP Prof, BONIC Mgr shows, "KWSN SETI OPTIMIZED, SSE2......  "
    Any suggestions would be helpful, Thanx    Joe B.
Title: Re: What Ver of App should show in BONIC Mgr?
Post by: Youth on 20 Aug 2007, 12:32:19 am
Hi Joe,

I'm confused by what version of boinc client you are using? I've been used the optimized apps from this wonderful site for a long time including the lastest r2.4, but I've never seen anything in boinc manager looking like kwsn, optimized, etc.

BTW, you may open the task manager to find the running seti process, if it's something like KWSN_2.4_SSE3-Core2_MB.exe, then you're using the optimized app, otherwise the offical one.

Hope these help.

Title: Re: What Ver of App should show in BONIC Mgr?
Post by: JoeBKY06 on 20 Aug 2007, 05:17:13 pm
     My BONIC Manager is Ver 5.10.13.  But as I stated above, When I open the BONIC Mgr, click on Applications, next to SETI@home it says,"  "SETIathome Optimized  5.17"; has me baffled. I expected 5.27 ora KWSN  ........... 2.4. 

     Now this afternoon a new file has appeared called, "stderr" , standard error, with this inside,

"Can't open init data file - running in standalone mode Can't open init data file - running in standalone mode
SETI@home error -5 Can't open file  (work_unit.sah) in read_wu_state() errno=2

File: ..\worker.cpp
Line: 144"

Any other ideas anybody?

Title: Re: What Ver of App should show in BONIC Mgr?
Post by: Josef W. Segur on 20 Aug 2007, 05:39:26 pm
     My BONIC Manager is Ver 5.10.13.  But as I stated above, When I open the BONIC Mgr, click on Applications, next to SETI@home it says,"  "SETIathome Optimized  5.17"; has me baffled. I expected 5.27 ora KWSN  ........... 2.4. 

     Now this afternoon a new file has appeared called, "stderr" , standard error, with this inside,

"Can't open init data file - running in standalone mode Can't open init data file - running in standalone mode
SETI@home error -5 Can't open file  (work_unit.sah) in read_wu_state() errno=2

File: ..\worker.cpp
Line: 144"

Any other ideas anybody?

That looks like permission problems, perhaps someone else running Vista can diagnose and recommend a cure.

But the 32-bit 2.4 Windows applications should not be used on Vista systems. In the Releases (;topicseen#msg3740) thread, Simon says:
Update: these apps are not fully Vista compatible! New apps will be uploaded shortly. Vista users please stay with either 64-bit 2.4 apps or the 2.2B 32-bit ones for now.

When things are working correctly, if there's a 'friendly name' entry in the app_info.xml file, BOINC Manager displays that. Otherwise it forms a name from "setiathome_enhanced" and the version it has linked work to.
Title: Re: What Ver of App should show in BONIC Mgr?
Post by: JoeBKY06 on 23 Aug 2007, 05:35:06 pm
I just got home from work and now the Task Manager has finally recognized the appliction and has it listed correctly as:    KWSN_2.2B_SSE3-C2_Ben-Joe_GFX!  It may have something to do with the fact that RegCure just auto-ran at 1PM EST while I was at work.  At any rate it looks like it is going to fly, we will see after a couple of WU's run if there is any processing time difference.  Thanks for the insights and compatability info tho.    JoeB in KY