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Author Topic: Nuthin' but da blues.........  (Read 80663 times)


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Offline skildude

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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #91 on: 05 Nov 2010, 08:13:36 am »
if you play chopin you should play something that the tom and jerry fans recognize



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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #92 on: 05 Nov 2010, 08:45:36 am »
Or perhaps this.....if you are into the dark side of piano...........

Also Rach.......
My personal fav of hers.........



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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #93 on: 06 Nov 2010, 12:17:53 am »
say what you will..........
but he is is daddy's son, like his son before him.

If this don't prove it........

The face shot alone is worth 10 shots.

If not, I wll never prove otherwise snort of a paternity test.......and I think they already dun that.

Hank III sings about Whiskey.........darling, I aready luv hin,



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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #94 on: 06 Nov 2010, 12:55:32 am »
NOW i have to sleep...........this just made me all undone..........

so wonderful.   

Tim Tam and the Turnons......can you sya sho bop sho bop.........

Could that new love be you??????????/


If I keep on this track, I might not sleep for several days.


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #95 on: 24 Nov 2010, 01:32:57 am »
Best version of the song I know of........
Brian Setzer and other have covered it.

My fav......The Slaptones. From Sweden.


Three sisters, and their daddy plays the drums.

BTW... the glitches in the vid are intrinsic to the posting of it.........

Alternate take.........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzMgzUX_NOA&feature=related
« Last Edit: 24 Nov 2010, 01:45:34 am by msattler »


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #96 on: 24 Nov 2010, 08:47:14 pm »
Woo hoo!!!!!!!!

Just got the sound card drivers properly installed on the new rig........(or at least the most recent incarnation of the old rig.)

In a manner of celebrating.....

I am cranking up my favorite Setzer tune.

There are more than a few versions of him doing this on youtube.  And I think the Santo and Johhny original is still there.

But, this is by far, the greatest version that Brian ever did.
Enjoy, if your sound system has the cajones.



(Oh, and it full screens pretty well, too.)
« Last Edit: 24 Nov 2010, 08:49:18 pm by msattler »


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #97 on: 21 Dec 2010, 12:43:25 pm »
I had prepared a blistering besponse toi  Vic, if he ever comes online agina.


Offline Miep

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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #98 on: 21 Dec 2010, 12:48:16 pm »
I think they took the site down just in time... though my last look was over an hour ago.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #99 on: 21 Dec 2010, 02:51:10 pm »
I think they took the site down just in time... though my last look was over an hour ago.
Whether Seti comesup today, tomorrow, or next year....
Vic has had his run.

People are sick and tired of hearing him complain about how little money he has to support himself and Angel, and the turn around the next minute and post about his ebay conquests.

The two don't mix.

And then the every other day posts about buying a house.
Gimme a break.

Either you are destitute, or you are not.

Fuck you Vic, you are done fooling most folks here.

Posturing idiot.  Motherfucking fool, or suspect we shall be...........

You best take care of Angel, or I will take a flight and be knocking on your door.

I now await the comment of others.

I got over anxiietous and spoke my mind.

Others may now agree or keep me in check........

I await my peers.
« Last Edit: 21 Dec 2010, 02:57:35 pm by msattler »


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #100 on: 21 Dec 2010, 03:05:16 pm »
I think they took the site down just in time... though my last look was over an hour ago.
I helped buy the dumb fucker his Angel..........

Like a fool, sent money to him.

Just like Luke, who I actually bought his kitty for him.

He has vanished too.

I am a sucker for fools, I do what I can.........so I have a right to call them out when it becomes obvious.

Luke was a kind soul, and never asked for much.
He just went on his way.........no harm.

Vic is a soullsucker.
He wants you to believe that his every trouble is your own, and you should suck on his sleeve.

I shall put an end to this.......believe me, I shall.


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #101 on: 21 Dec 2010, 03:13:48 pm »
By gawd, the kitties are angry right now..........

I will go to sleep on it.  And adjust my attitude in the morning.....oh, look hon......it's already 2 in the afternoon.
No adjustment today.

But trust me, you REALLY don't want to be on the kitties' pissing side.
You just get wet and stink.  And I come off looking like a bully in the bargain.
I can live with my part of it, if you wanna live with being pissed on.

Kitty piss is nothing to belittle.

You don't wanna go there.

You really don't.


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #102 on: 21 Dec 2010, 03:32:10 pm »
Scary thoughts and other stuff..........
I added a few verses of my own.

I was contacted by a friend via PM that I might have been a little bambostic.
I think I was well within reason........
But I thought it might do me some good to reflect.
Because, folks....no matter what....

I am a sincere soul.
I only attack to defend myself.
Of to defend my principals when they are dearly offended.
And Vic has.

Otherwise I am a soft soul.  You know I am.

Full screen........I smile and cry now........if you can understand that.

Please be careful of me.

"I was thinking that I might fly today.....
for I don't like the things that people say.
I could have gone, if not for you,
I know you are thinking what I am too.
So, I'm sensitive, God help me for being that way.

I was thinking, that some day soon,
we might find the people that built the moon
And then we could have a conversation,
might be al little less of our frustration..
Please be careful of me.......
I'm too sensitive, but I'd like to stay that way.

And could you envision a life without such hate???
No more to hug we'd have to wait.
Smiles would be all we'd have to need and
there would be no modern greed and
We could all be sensitvie
Should we not all be that way?

Please be sensitive of me.

Words can harm me, and I reply in kind.
I just say always
what is on my mind
I don't pull punches when on my own
I don't consider myself to be on a throne.
Please be careful of me....

Ok....now I am done asking favors
No more saving graces will I savour.
There are things that the kitties need
And I must provide then
There's no greed.
But, be carefull of me.

"Cuz I'd likle to stay that way."
And oherwise I will have  to kill you.

Can I say meow now?
« Last Edit: 21 Dec 2010, 03:55:45 pm by msattler »


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #103 on: 21 Dec 2010, 04:10:45 pm »
This ia all such a cruel joke to me.
I give so much to the poeject, and I get nothing but jests.

"I was thinking........that I might fly today........"

I think abouti it every day.
My brother took the flight.
It would certainly be a less paiinfull path for me as well.

But, I will not fly today.
I will endure.....what some others say.
Biut, please be carefful of me,

I am sensitive,...........
And wouldd like to  stay that way,.


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Re: Nuthin' but da blues.........
« Reply #104 on: 21 Dec 2010, 04:31:59 pm »
I was thinking.......just the other day.........
I cant be all people to what they say.
They will always try to m0ve me
Kinda rude of to unmood me........
Just be carefull of ne, 'cuz I'm kinda hard to sway.

I was thinking.....just the other day.
Somebody pushed me, and got in my way.
I could shot them, woulda got kinea rude then.
Maybe pucshing their attitide then
would have been less sensiitive,
But it would not have been my way.

Had i pullled the  trigger.....
Just the other day.
I coulda shot her......
And had my way.

But that woulda got so complicated
even if they found me 'not gulilty'
abd I skated.
You see, I am sensiistive,
and i'd like to stay that way.

The judge was thinking,
just the other day.
That gurl was sticking her tits out
the wrong way.
So when I pulled my '45,
She had no reason for her jive.

I shot the b***h,,,,,,,
And the gurl will stay that way.

So don't think I'm unreasonable
Or I'm crude.
Just don't get in my face
just don't get rude.
Cuz I'm sensitive,
And you don't wanna get laid out that way.


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