Blues related... so why haven't the guys at Berkley tried replacing the power supply on mork. it seems like they always take the easy road and replace something like ram, bang head on wall. they have pulled out half the ram and it seems to help, seems like the lessened the load on the power supply.
Quote from: RottenMutt on 19 Oct 2010, 09:50:27 amBlues related... so why haven't the guys at Berkley tried replacing the power supply on mork. it seems like they always take the easy road and replace something like ram, bang head on wall. they have pulled out half the ram and it seems to help, seems like the lessened the load on the power supply. Sounded to me like they tried everything like that, RAM PSU etc, but that it's a mobo problem of some sort. Not blues, but I hope they give Mork a decent burial & play taps