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Author Topic: GPU BIOS  (Read 12217 times)

Offline VoidPilot

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« on: 27 Aug 2010, 01:59:39 am »

I have two Palit GTX470s in a single box.  The tool that came with the cards (Vtune) only allows the resetting of the primary gpu clock frequencies.  When i do this, the machine locks up.  I have been back to Palit to see if they have a tool that does both and they do not.

Does anyone know of a good tool that I can use to reset the freqs in GPU BIOS for both cards.

Offline Jason G

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« Reply #1 on: 27 Aug 2010, 08:53:30 am »
Don't know about Bios, but I use MSI afterburner to control the frequencies on my eVGA GTX 480.

Offline glennaxl

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« Reply #2 on: 28 Aug 2010, 12:04:24 am »
I would suggest using a software first before modifing the bios. Like the MSI afterburner, EVGA Precision and RivaTuner. Once you find the sweet spot then start flashing it into the bios. Use caution though when flash the bios.

Tools needed:
Nibitor v5.7 -> http://www.mvktech.net/index.php?option=com_remository&func=fileinfo&id=3228
NVFlash v5.95.0.1 -> http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/Utilities/BIOS_Flashing/NVIDIA/
GPU-Z v0.45-> http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/

Steps (summarized):
1) run gpu-z to save the current bios. Have a second copy somewhere else as your backup (eg. flash drive).
2) run nibitor and load your saved bios from step 1. now you can edit the frequencies, fan speed, voltage, etc. Once done modifying, save your new modified bios. Make sure integrity is good (green light).
3) flash the modified bios file into the gpu bios using nvflash.

Offline SciManStev

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« Reply #3 on: 10 Sep 2010, 04:39:35 pm »
I have been using Nvidia system tools with great success. My two 480's are now stable at 840 MHz. They are water cooled, and I think I can get a bit more out of them. I like MSI Afterburner as Jason stated. I often use it to monitor my temps and GPU usage. Currently my GPU temps are between 42 and 45 C. Here is a link to the system tools.



Offline glennaxl

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« Reply #4 on: 11 Sep 2010, 12:46:17 am »
I made a poll to see which way is the best to OC the GPU. -> GPU Overclocking


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