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Topic: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga (Read 16495 times)
Fivestar Crashtest
Knight o' The Realm
Posts: 77
Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
15 Oct 2006, 01:59:43 am »
Hello, everybody. I built a Core 2 Duo computer on an Asus P5B motherboard last month and discovered I could not install Linux on it. Had I bought a 975 or NForce board, this probably would not have been a problem but I always try to go for the non SLI boards because of the prices. I watched the Ubuntu forums like a hawk waiting for someone to say they got it to work on the P5B and the newest Ubuntu 6.10, or "Edgy" was the answer.
So yesterday I burned my Edgy iso and fixed a sata drive on the board and popped the cd in and it installed and the internet worked and everything. Ha, ha, not activating Windows on this machine, Bill, take that! Then I downloaded BOINC. I put the install file in my home folder and ran the sh script. I cd'd to the BOINC folder and...
got some nonsense about file or command not found.
You can also install BOINC from Ubuntu repositories but the only problem with that is, you get a 64 bit BOINC with 64 bit Ubuntu. And that will ask for 64 bit Seti. I know some guys are working on that, but the repository BOINC is in a var/lib folder and I wasn't allowed to unzip archives to it or copy files to it. I am sure someone smart could, but I am not smart.
I asked about this in the Ubuntu forums and they asked me was I sure the files were in the proper folders and were the scripts ok, etc. So I googled Edgy and scripts. I found this:
that says Edgy uses dash instead of bash and that can break scripts.
I'm over my head talking about this stuff. I was foolish enough to buy a first generation cpu and motherboard instead of patiently sitting back and watching everybody else struggle with issues and then I top it off by hunting for beta Linux distros to install on it.
In the meantime, I've been boincing away using Windows and I guess I'll stick with it. There were no issues installing Windows XP Home and the only reason I wouldn't activate this key now would be because I'd want to try Windows XP Pro64.
Thanks for listening to me whine.
All your base are belong to us! You have no chance to survive, make your time!
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #1 on:
21 Oct 2006, 04:18:03 am »
Hi Pam
Yes, I fully understand your feeling about Linux.
Having the newest hardware is not always an advantage...
There should be a way installing a 32bit client in a 64 bit Linux environment with no problems.
This is what I have running on my boxes with excellent results.....
Although I would like to get a proper and fast 64bit Linux client to improve the performance.
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #2 on:
01 Nov 2006, 11:34:55 am »
Pam try Fedora 5 64bit. I used the ISO-DVD (took some searching).
Fivestar Crashtest
Knight o' The Realm
Posts: 77
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #3 on:
07 Nov 2006, 09:55:16 pm »
I am downloading Fedora Core 5 now and I saw that FC6 was now the recommended version now at the Fedora site. So I'm downloading that too.
I googled "linux Intel 965 chipset" this morning, and the first result of the search was my original post here.
All your base are belong to us! You have no chance to survive, make your time!
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #4 on:
08 Nov 2006, 03:09:19 am »
I just updated one of my boxes to Fedora Core 6 64bit, Simon's application works nicely...
Certainly Core 6 supports more of the newer hardware.
Fivestar Crashtest
Knight o' The Realm
Posts: 77
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #5 on:
18 Nov 2006, 06:00:13 pm »
I went through a Fedora Core 6 install on an Athlon 64 2800 GA-K8VM800M with an MX 4000 video card successfully. But when I tried to install it on the E6700 on the P5B, it booted to console. I hate that. I think that like Suse, Fedora Core must not like Nvidia 6000 series video cards. When I tried it on the Pentium D 960/P5LD2-VM, it didn't boot at all.
But I've been playing with Edgy XUbuntu on the Athlon 64 2800. I tried some commands to change the default shell to bash, but this did not help. So I just don't know the reason you can't run BOINC from the home folder.
I thought I'd give the Ubuntu repository BOINC a shot. I thought it didn't work, but when I booted the computer up this morning, it downloaded some Seti. I used sudo tar xfvj to get Simon's optimized app into the projects folder, which is in var/lib/boinc-client/projects/setiathome.berkeley.edu. It worked! They're in there! I can't get the old setiathome enhanced out, but I'm hoping it doesn't matter, since the app info file is the right one, I guess it overwrote the other one. We'll see over the course of the next couple of days whether I really am running optimized Chicken apps with 64 bit BOINC.
64 bit BOINC has juicy benchmarks but I guess now the benchmarks don't matter.
But I feel rather demotivated to try this all again on the E6700. Especially since the Core 2 Duo optimized app came out for Windows. But I see they have Core 2 Duo Xeons now and the Core 2 Quad is just around the corner so maybe I will undertake a new building project after Christmas and have some Linux options then.
All your base are belong to us! You have no chance to survive, make your time!
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #6 on:
10 Dec 2006, 07:07:26 am »
Ugh i had my own nightmare with the 965 series boards with Kubunut 6.06 Dapper.
In the end im working but i think just. I had to compile my own kernel(took no less than 3 attempts to get everything right, not bad considering its the first thing ive ever compiled in my life lol), then my display driver wouldnt work in xwindows.... so i had to again move the HDD to my old computer and switch to the Edgy repositories to update xwindows and get the driver for new intel onboard graphics cards, then to top it all off i couldnt get any network cards to work (even one from another linux box wouldnt work) until i finally disabled ipv6 on nothing more than a guess. but its working now just not very prety lol.
Now i have some package issues and need to sort them out but its usable and crunching.
Edit: To add insult to injury i cant acess my DVD burner nemore lol. on that one im taking an easy out and getting a SATA adapter for it
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #7 on:
08 Jan 2007, 12:46:04 am »
or you could get a sata dvd burner from plextor and be done with it
Re: Linux on Intel 965 chipsets Saga
Reply #8 on:
15 Feb 2007, 04:43:46 am »
The adapter failed miserable and i ended up with a Plextor DVD-Burner lol. but it did set me back 4234 and my next lowest quote was $275. I have a QX6700 machine in the works so once that arrives ill move my poorly installed Kubuntu HDD over to that and go a fresh Linux install. As the latest Live/Install CD's now work just fine on 965 series mobbos i should be able to get the machine compiling again but no promises.
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