So, that did the trick. memory usage up to 218, no errors. Fine, stock 6.08 working on 2.1 dlls - does the optimized V12nokill whetever require 2.2 dlls or will it run on the 2.1?
@Raistmer context creation? sorry you lost me - you want me to check GPU usage under different scenarios, to see what influences the components have? ok, I'll try.btw ther's a 'H' missing in your 'IMO'
In addition some BOINC versions made check of free GPU memory. And not only at startup. So, if driver version fallbackwill not help, BOINC version fallback still worth to try.Your priority should be to get stable GPU processing w/o fallback mode and then, 2.2 or 2.3 CUDA DLLs versions if possible. It will give nice GPU speed boost, much bigger then any new drivers or BOINCs.