Stderr output<core_client_version>6.10.56</core_client_version><![CDATA[<message> - exit code -6 (0xfffffffa)</message><stderr_txt>VLAR WU (AR: 0.009264 )detected... autokill initialisedSETI@home error -6 Bad workunit header
Hi here Try to disable Aero first. Also, if 191.xx drivers work with CUDA 2.3 DLLs stable - no need to upgrade to higher versions (still)
<stderr_out><![CDATA[<message> - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)</message>
After app init: total GPU memory 268435456 free GPU memory 38637568Cuda error 'cudaMalloc((void**) &dev_WorkData' in file 'd:/BoincSeti_Prog/sinbad_repositories/LunaticsUnited/SETI_CUDA_MB_exp/client/cuda/' in line 293 : out of memory.setiathome_CUDA: CUDA runtime ERROR in device memory allocation (Step 1 of 3). Falling back to HOST CPU processing...Unhandled Exception Detected...- Unhandled Exception Record -Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x726F662F read attempt to address 0x726F662FEngaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...
Cuda error 'cudaMalloc((void**) &dev_GaussFitResults' in file 'c:/sw/gpgpu/seti/seti_boinc/client/cuda/' in line 314 : out of memory.setiathome_CUDA: CUDA runtime ERROR in device memory allocation (Step 1 of 3). Falling back to HOST CPU processing...
It's slowest way to do seti task actually
Another way is to fallback to older CUDA DLLs (like 2.2 or even older) they have slower cuFFT but require less memory. That way will be still much better than CPU fallback mode.
The CPU fallback in the CUDA apps happens without BOINC knowing about it, so it assumes the CUDA task it started is only using a small fraction of a CPU and will start a CPU task also. The CUDA task is running at a higher priority than the CPU task, so runs mostly uninterrupted using the minimal default set of CPU code. The task started for the CPU will probably run quite slowly since it will get much less CPU time. So not only would the task started for CUDA be running slowly on CPU, a CPU task would also be running slowly; as Raistmer said, the worst possible way to do work.
Raistmer wrote:QuoteAnother way is to fallback to older CUDA DLLs (like 2.2 or even older) they have slower cuFFT but require less memory. That way will be still much better than CPU fallback mode.I think that is the only way you'll be able to crunch with 256 MB VRAM. Joe
22/07/2010 09:47:08 NVIDIA GPU 0: Quadro FX 570M (driver version 19562, CUDA version 3000, compute capability 1.1, 256MB, 61 GFLOPS peak)