Based on the status page there are always around 3,500 AP tasks ready to send.
They would be Astropulse v505 - the message is right, there are no AP v5, and haven't been for ? over a year.
I'll look into that "requesting" thing.
Ah - they've dumbed down the messages again. Try a debug flag, as Mike posted last night:
17.12.2010 00:47:25 SETI@home Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
17.12.2010 00:47:25 SETI@home Reporting 7 completed tasks, requesting new tasks for GPU
17.12.2010 00:47:25 SETI@home [sched_op_debug] CPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 CPUs
17.12.2010 00:47:25 SETI@home [sched_op_debug] ATI GPU work request: 950400.00 seconds; 1.00 GPUs
17.12.2010 00:48:33 SETI@home Scheduler request completed: got 3 new tasks