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Author Topic: Seti at home 6.09 cuda 23  (Read 20752 times)

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: Seti at home 6.09 cuda 23
« Reply #15 on: 11 Jun 2010, 01:32:40 pm »
Is there anything else I need to do besides add that section to the app_info? I would like to give it a try on my 9500GT but with all that's going on on SETI I'm a little afraid to make changes right now.

You actually have to download the app and any DLLs you don't yet have! Otherwise you get the "No url specified for download of...." error message.

But once you've downloaded the files you can stick them into the existing app_info section: there's nothing magical about a version number under anonymous platform.

Offline perryjay

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Re: Seti at home 6.09 cuda 23
« Reply #16 on: 11 Jun 2010, 07:10:07 pm »
Well, leave it to me, I screwed up royally!!! Lost my three day cache and am now back with what I started with. Forgot to back up too. I did manage to go from installer .35 to installer .36. Managed to pick up six tasks so I'm not completely idle. Two of them ran on the GPU, two started out and finished on the CPU, two got moved from the GPU to the CPU by the rescheduler and are running now. With the tasks page as messed up as it is I don't have any idea how they did. ::)


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