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Author Topic: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released  (Read 83109 times)


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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #105 on: 25 May 2010, 07:00:56 pm »
well I did PM Gecko but it seems I'll just have to wait for my post counter to increase...

On a side note with the 10.5 Catalyst I very rarely get crashes on the GPU app wich wasn't the case before with 9.12.

Not trying to under-appreciate your interest and it IS appreciated  :), but a certain amount of participation is expected before having access to pre-release applications.  While we understand "participation" doesn't necessarily = competence or guarantee of feedback, it does help us get a better idea of who should have access.  Unfortunately, we get several requests from individuals w/ either 1) little intention to "test", just wanting the newest/fastest 2) lacking basic skills to properly use the apps.   So, we are looking for a basic amount of credibility that tends to show by active posters here. ;)

I think you'll find a pretty easy opportunity to *help* other members/posters who might be having configuration troubles.
The Help Desk can always use another hand, and this will surely get you to Squire in no time.  ;)

Thanks again.

Offline benool

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #106 on: 26 May 2010, 05:42:16 pm »
Thanks for the clarifications. I understand and will wait for either the apps to get out of beta status or my post count to increase enough :)

Offline benool

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #107 on: 28 May 2010, 02:18:28 am »
I made a mistake in a previous post when talking about the Catalyst drivers it was 10.4 that I was running because the 10.5 were just released the other day.

Coming to the 10.5 Catalyst, there seems to be an issue withe the ap_5.05_win_x86_SSE3_BROOK_r280_NO_DOUBLE.exe as now the GPU load remains at a constant 0% with my low end 4550.

Damn you ATI for such drivers mess every time.

Offline cristipurdel

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #108 on: 28 May 2010, 02:57:51 am »
You could also try OpenCL version ;)


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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #109 on: 10 Jun 2010, 12:53:11 pm »
OMG i finally caught one of my machines doing one! about time! :D.

hmm the machine with my 5870 doesnt' seem to be using much gpu. i need to try that beta one you told me too Raistmer . can i still get it?
« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2010, 01:03:21 pm by zangetsu »

Offline benool

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #110 on: 10 Jun 2010, 01:01:36 pm »
yeay it is working :)

BTW be sure to bug ATI on their Catalyst Driver feedback page about missing OpenCL drivers.


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