Already got a wingmate to add to Claggy's list:Pieter hostid=5431046 NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT (1005MB) driver: 19745Host created today, downloaded 564 tasks, got two of them to validate at 0.01 credits, I'm too depressed to look-see how many pages-full he's wasted.
Please check md5 (binary equivalent) of exe against beta ones
LoL, I did the same and recived answer that they worked on it right now (about the time 6.10 was spotted on main). Interesting, what was wrong with 6.10 ?...
...I sent Eric an email just as the lab opened yesterday, drawing attention to the scale of the problem and the list in this thread....
Perhaps a host which got in a bad state trying to run 6.08 on a GTX 4xx will need a reboot to clear the problem. If so, automatically updating a host to 6.10 wouldn't help.