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Author Topic: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released  (Read 84907 times)

Offline Raistmer

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #60 on: 06 Mar 2010, 09:05:55 am »
avgncpu >1 .  Are the most important settings.

<1, not >1 .

Offline Claggy

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #61 on: 06 Mar 2010, 09:09:37 am »
And if you change the <count>1</count> to 0.5, you can do 2 Hybrid Astropulse at once,
OR 0.4, and do an app_info for collatz and set it at 0.2 there, = 2 Hybrid Astropulse + 1 Collatz  ;D


Offline cenit

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #62 on: 07 Apr 2010, 09:24:15 am »
Hi all ,   I have an ATI  HD5770 ,  right now it's Crunching Collatz C. but want it crunching SETI AP WU's, too.   ::)
What I've read from these forums,  a correct app_info.xml FILE. Single-- or Double--Precission,  right amount of (G)FLOPS, x86 or x64 (WIN XP x86) and  avgncpu ,  >1 .  Are the most important settings.
Hoping, there will be sufficient AP WU's, just have to give it a try .  .  . ::)

I used this Astropulse Hybrid app on SETI beta and everything went really fine.
Does anyone know when/if seti beta will be resumed?
Also, does the new OpenCL/Brook+ app still require a full core or is it able to offload all calculations to gpu (fft?)?
thanks a lot for your dedication to this project, lunatics team!

Offline cenit

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #63 on: 07 Apr 2010, 09:25:20 am »
oh and sorry for double posting, but how could I try the new OpenCL/Brook+ app?

edit: found. Thanks anyway!
« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2010, 10:19:22 am by cenit »

Offline cenit

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #64 on: 28 Apr 2010, 01:17:51 pm »
the topic about the OpenCL/Brook+ hybrid app has disappeared from 2 days...

Offline Jason G

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #65 on: 28 Apr 2010, 01:23:07 pm »
Please be advised that 'here' participation level requirements are currently under review due to security violations, and things are being shuffled around a lot.



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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #66 on: 14 May 2010, 08:31:14 am »
does this mean i can't use the seti optimized apps for sse3 and 4.1? i was kinda hoping i could trick boinc into using the gpu with this. i dont' run astropulse. not enough points. :(. i have the following ati gpus:

2600xt, 2600xt, 4350, 2400pro, onboard 3100 of 3200 series, 4650, and soon a 5870.

any idea when there might be a gpu optimized app the same way there is for the cpu? that isnt' for astropulse?

i know most of those gpu's are not fast but every little bit helps :). i might just get one of those 6 pci-e 16x  mobos and slap a amd x6 in it and put as many gpu's as i can spare (i run headless atm, with vnc, makes it easier and cheaper than buying a dvi kvm) and run the gpu astropulse optimized thing to see how many points i can get.

Offline Raistmer

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #67 on: 14 May 2010, 08:47:16 am »
1) surely you can use any CPU-optimized app that your CPU supports while using GPU-oriented app. For now the best is Akv8b opt apps, chose right SSE level for your CPU with them.
2) All your GPUs can be used for AstroPulse Hybrid app. They will work as co-processor to speedup FFA part of task computations.
3) 4350, 4650 and future 5870 GPUs can participate in Beta testing of new ATI AstroPulse application. Please, consider possibility to take participation in beta testing.


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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #68 on: 14 May 2010, 09:11:41 am »
1) surely you can use any CPU-optimized app that your CPU supports while using GPU-oriented app. For now the best is Akv8b opt apps, chose right SSE level for your CPU with them.
2) All your GPUs can be used for AstroPulse Hybrid app. They will work as co-processor to speedup FFA part of task computations.
3) 4350, 4650 and future 5870 GPUs can participate in Beta testing of new ATI AstroPulse application. Please, consider possibility to take participation in beta testing.

well, it will work the same as my akv8win64 sse4.1 optimized app? :). i dont' want astropulse to run on the cpu. is that possible? or some of the astropulse will run on the cpu?

can you tell me how i can get that up and running? i know i probably have to put a new app info xml in the boinc folder, but is there one for this Akv8b  and the sse4.1 optimized? or is it all the same thing?
« Last Edit: 14 May 2010, 09:14:06 am by zangetsu »

Offline Raistmer

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #69 on: 14 May 2010, 09:16:45 am »
It depends of what app info you will use.
You can include CPU SETI MB (AKv8b SSE4.1) app and hybrid AP app only, then you will use CPU for SETI MB tasks and, partially, for AP tasks too (due to hybrid AP app nature), but no pure-CPU AP app.
Moreover, you will have separate work fetch for AP (as GPU ATI app) and SETI MB (as CPU app).

Unfortunately, there will be no OpenCL support for GPUs lesser than 4xxx, so Hybrid AP is the best (for now and for foreseen future) you can use for lower ATI GPUs with SETI project.


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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #70 on: 14 May 2010, 09:17:56 am »
do i have to follow your instructions in the first post to do this?
ps are the 4350, 4650 double precision? :). the other gpu's i have can this hybrid app work on them all? if it will get me more points i am for it. i am getting about 20k a day now.

shame they had the 2400 and 2600 listed before. oh well
« Last Edit: 14 May 2010, 09:23:02 am by zangetsu »

Offline Raistmer

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #71 on: 14 May 2010, 09:27:35 am »
I updated app_info to better work with new BOINC versions on SETI main. Now AP work will be correctly marking as GPU.
YEs, 2xxx and 3xxx should be able to do Hybrid AP too.
And no, 4350 and 4650 are not double precision ones, but last OpenCL version (rev420) doesn't require doeble precision support from GPU cards, so you could try that build on these GPUs.


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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #72 on: 14 May 2010, 09:31:39 am »
how can do i edit my current app file? to include your first post app info? i did once but i dont' remember. do i just paste to the bottom of my current app info file and restart boinc?

leave my current entries in there for sse4.1 optimized?

i'll have to go to the website and turn astropulse back on :D


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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #73 on: 14 May 2010, 09:35:54 am »


thats with yours and my seti 4.1 optimized. i remembered once how to add more info to the app but can you refresh me? i set the cpu count from 0.1 to 4 since tis a quad. is that correct?
i know i dont' have a space between the apps. and i know some of the tags at teh top and bottom are removed but i am not quite sure which.

Offline Raistmer

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Re: CPU/ATI GPU hybrid AstroPulse for Windows released
« Reply #74 on: 14 May 2010, 09:42:13 am »
No, app_info tag should be only one per file.

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