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Author Topic: What is "channels with error" ?  (Read 12164 times)

Offline Raistmer

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What is "channels with error" ?
« on: 02 May 2010, 01:16:45 pm »
On server status page there are some grayed channels.
Legend says those are "channels with error". What kind of error it is? No data recorded for particular channel? Blanking soft decides whole channel too noisy? Or what?

Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: What is "channels with error" ?
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2010, 08:52:22 pm »
Matt Lebofsky posted long ago that many of those were caused by the hardware blanking track not having quite enough data to do the blanking at the end of the channel. In that case, the "error" is trivial because most of the channel was turned into WUs before the error happened.

But of course the software blanking is derived from the data so shouldn't run out too soon. I suppose careful study of the AP splitter code would yield a list of things which can cause it to error out, but wouldn't get us any closer to being able to guess which are most common.

In short, I dunno.


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