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Author Topic: benchmark utility for linux  (Read 6083 times)

Offline michael37

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benchmark utility for linux
« on: 30 Nov 2006, 06:11:47 am »
I want to try putting together a auto-benchmarking utility for Linux.   My idea is to create a self-extracting shell script with a tarball inside, just like Berkeley boinc install.  The idea is to package all variations of Linux apps inside the tarball and to run the short/medium/long benchmarks and recommend an appropriate app.  Since there is no "standard" location for Boinc on Linux -- I use FC and CentOS, no Ubuntus -- I don't see myself installing the applications automatically.

Please let me know if you have any feature requests.  I am not a GUI expert, so the tool will be a shell script.  Also, I am planning to automatically parse /proc/cpuinfo and use it as hints for the appropriate app.


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