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Author Topic: Can't upload  (Read 16298 times)

Offline RottenMutt

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Can't upload
« on: 15 Mar 2010, 10:25:35 pm »
well the admins over at the seti message boards are busy hiding threads, simple ones which are asking why can't upload for the past day.
they got this strict "dictatorship" policy where you can't question any administrative forum action, so i ask here.  Matt has stopped posting new, no news on the outage, what gives!  is this the swan song?  the proverbial FU?

hey, i say.  the reason people participate in the project as heavily as they do is because humans are competitive.  it a little bit satisfying to build a rig, optimizes it as best as possible and see how good you can do.

personally, i would like to see seti reduce the RAC calculation to one week.

also, if you check the news forum, you will see the person ((banished: ID 9192291)) who started most of the threads has been banished!!!  Revolution, maybe!  The last gasp, perhaps.
« Last Edit: 16 Mar 2010, 12:45:40 am by RottenMutt »

Offline Raistmer

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Re: Can't upload
« Reply #1 on: 16 Mar 2010, 04:41:40 am »
Isn't this banished person called msattler? If yes, it's his almost usual state, no connection to revolution or smth alike, don't worry LoL ;D

And please, make difference between project staff/admins (who have much more important work to do now, I'm sure, than hiding threads) and SETI forums mods, who not always do right things and are "just simple mortals" ;)

Project has connection problems, it's obvious. But rising hysteria will not help to repair it.
All we can do from participant's side is to try manage our own BOINC installations better (I proposed some policy not long ago on SETI main) and to train in patience. Nobody like to have no info about what is going on, it's pretty annoying, completely agree, but ... showing this annoyance will not help, it's true too.

Offline RottenMutt

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Re: Can't upload
« Reply #2 on: 16 Mar 2010, 09:22:30 am »
the person bannished wasn't matt.

Original text by Jim Reeves. Altered to fit SETI.

Is it really over is this the end of SETI
Don't tell me I'm losing the project that was mine.

Before SETI really folds, take all my finished WU's
So I'll always remember how sweet SETI used to be.

I wonder what is stepping into SETI's place, what can it be?
I can tell by SETI's problems that the project may die, and it's over for SETI

I wonder what is stepping into SETI's place..
Really over for SETI

well, this post which i copied (cause it maybe deleted) may say it all.  i will be upset if it is over as will the rest, we have all put lots of effort into this project only to see it die with out communication to it's members.  i would like to know if should shut down my bonic clients.

maybe this is the push we have all needed!
« Last Edit: 16 Mar 2010, 09:26:38 am by RottenMutt »

Offline perryjay

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Re: Can't upload
« Reply #3 on: 16 Mar 2010, 12:51:24 pm »
Nope, Banished isn't Mark this time. (or is that Mark isn't Banished this time?)  I'm sure the SETI boys got some overtime last night trying to fix this mess but probably had to wait until today so they could shut everything down and really dig into the problem. Expect this outage to last a bit longer than normal today what with this new problem.  I've seen some helpful suggestions posted on the NC board and I know the mods are passing them on. Hopefully the real problem will be found and corrected this time around.


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Re: Can't upload
« Reply #4 on: 16 Mar 2010, 01:51:03 pm »
Nope, Banished isn't Mark this time. (or is that Mark isn't Banished this time?)  I'm sure the SETI boys got some overtime last night trying to fix this mess but probably had to wait until today so they could shut everything down and really dig into the problem. Expect this outage to last a bit longer than normal today what with this new problem.  I've seen some helpful suggestions posted on the NC board and I know the mods are passing them on. Hopefully the real problem will be found and corrected this time around.
Nope, not me this time...LOL.
Hope they find the cause and really cure it this time......Pappa and others have postulated than there might be a crippled nic or switch or router from the overheating event, but I don't know.
So much happened at once during that last outage that I am sure it may be hard to sort
The kitties will keep all their little toes crossed that when I get back from work tonight the pipes have been fixed and I can upload and report the many thousands of WUs I have crunched since comms failed.

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: Can't upload
« Reply #5 on: 16 Mar 2010, 02:40:45 pm »
Uploads started about half-an-hour ago and jumped almost instantly to 25 Mbit/sec. I've cleared a good 200+: lots of retries, but the good old congestion ones.

Take your life in your hands with the validation errors, but I'd say abuse those buttons now, and enjoy sole upload use of the data-pipe while downloads are disabled by maintenance.

Offline perryjay

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Re: Can't upload
« Reply #6 on: 16 Mar 2010, 04:21:24 pm »
Thanks Richard,
I got all mine uploaded but can't report them yet. All ready to go when the floodgates open again.  :-)

Offline arkayn

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Re: Can't upload
« Reply #7 on: 16 Mar 2010, 05:41:20 pm »
The banned person was SETI News, most likely not needed anymore since they upgraded the server software.


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