About midway down here the ATIStream SDK states that SSE 3.x is required. Is that requirement for the SDK only or for applications developed by the SDK? For example, the HD 5670 is an AGP card supported by the SDK, and can fit in an old dual XEON mombo I got, but the XEON's are the Gallatin seriies and although very good, do not have SSE3.I noticed that the optimized SETI ATI app is SSE3 and this provoked my question.Thanks for looking.
Quote from: BeemerBiker on 25 Feb 2010, 08:22:34 pmAbout midway down here the ATIStream SDK states that SSE 3.x is required. Is that requirement for the SDK only or for applications developed by the SDK? For example, the HD 5670 is an AGP card supported by the SDK, and can fit in an old dual XEON mombo I got, but the XEON's are the Gallatin seriies and although very good, do not have SSE3.I noticed that the optimized SETI ATI app is SSE3 and this provoked my question.Thanks for looking.Where did you find an AGP version of the HD5670 ? Mine has PEG.
Just went to newegg and poked aroundhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161284
Not sure that SSE3 needed for GPU version. It required for OpenCL CPU build cause vector operations mapped to corresponding SSE instruction perhaps.